Saturday, January 28, 2023

Only 9% went to Covid Relief

Biden and the Vanishing $6 Trillion

Something the Biden-Harris regime and the Democrat-Socialists in Congress really hate is when someone calls them out for their astonishing grifting and corruption with trillions of dollars vanishing…and they bring the receipts.

Much to their mutual horror, Congressman Jason Smith, representing the people of Missouri appeared on Fox Business’s “Mornings with Maria” and revealed that he has sent DOZENS of letters to the Whitehouse requesting in his Congressional Oversight role that the President account for the $6 Trillion in ‘Coronavirus relief money‘ that has been spent so far. To date, Smith has received absolutely no response. “Crickets” Smith described the response to Bartiromo.

How does Biden ignore the Oversight Committee?

“The $2 trillion that was spent back in March, the package that they said that was for COVID relief, you know Maria, less than nine percent actually went towards COVID spending and COVID relief, but that other 91%. It went to crazy items, $2 million to plant trees in Syracuse or $4 million for a parking lot in South Carolina, $1,400 to Japanese citizens in Japan, checks to prisoners, $16 million for a golf course in Palm Beach,” he said.

The irony is that the bill requires states to give the Biden administration a "detailed accounting" of the use of funds.

Read about it...

A lot of people made a lot of money over Covid.

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