Saturday, October 8, 2022

Stole drugs at Walgreens, under Arrest

Suspect accused of stealing drugs from Walgreens pharmacy under arrest

Read about it...


Lynn Anderson said...

There are so many low-lives at Walgreens 6th and Dixie...hope it wasn't there where I shop.

Anonymous said...

That's what they make crystal meth with. Was he armed? How did he get the pharmacy to give him the medicine? Not much information available.

Lynn Anderson said...

How do you steal it? Don't understand this but happy they got the creep.

Anonymous said...

Saw one of these guys littering on Lucerne not too far from the library. The police rolled up as soon as he dropped the paper and had him in cuffs in no time. I think it was 2 days ago if you want to look for the newspaper report.

Anonymous said...

Well look what they do in New York or in California all the thefts of all the stores all the looting look what they're doing closing all the Walgreens and CVS's in a lot of big store big cities because of all the theft and all the loss it's too bad we need to pray a lot of people have a lot of substance issues too many addicts today but our government seems to want everyone to be addicted to something whether it's drugs or alcohol or cigarettes or gambling they love all these types of people we really need to pray for the addicts pray for people who have fallen far away from God who are doing all these evil atrocious Acts they need our prayers they need to see God and have his hope again!