Saturday, July 3, 2021

Is President Trump going to run again?

Sean Hannity Asked President Trump About Running in 2024

Here’s His Answer

During a sit down interview with Sean Hannity this week, Hannity asked the crowd if they would like to see President Trump run again in 2024.

The answer was clear and it’s obvious that most of the country wants him to be the president even now. He did legitimately win the election after all.

Read about his answer...


Anonymous said...

He's coming back in August! Thank you, Lord. He is our Savior!

Lynn Anderson said...

I still do NOT believe he will run again. But he will be helping conservatives save this country.
don't forget tonight's Trump speech in Sarasota. It will be covered on RSBN's Rumble,Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Anonymous said...

I haven't forgotten! I record his speeches and listen to them again and again.

He won't have to run again. He is going to be president next month. The Arizona and Georgia recounts will prove that he will be the winner and Biden will be out!

We don't have room for non-believers. If you are a doubter, you're not with us.

Lynn Anderson said...

@11:26. OL
Well, most of us don't have room for day-dreamers.