Monday, July 12, 2021

Growing Frustration towards #46

More Americans Now Disapprove of Biden’s Job as President

"Under Joe Biden’s leadership as president, our nation has regressed, rather than advanced. We’ve been subjected to inflation and reduced spending power, thanks to this president’s policies. lllegal immigration has become a national crisis; so has the uptick in crime across multiple leftist cities.

Biden’s managed to do great damage to America less than six months into his presidential term. Many people are now shuddering at the notion of what the United States will look like by the time 2024 gets here."

Read more about the disaster...


Anonymous said...

Some people are a little slow. Many people were disappointed with Pedo Joe way before the election.

Joe and the hoe gotta go!

Anonymous said...

be careful what you wish for.they might put hilary in again

Anonymous said...

56% - Approve

42% - Disapprove

Gallup Presidential Poll, June 18

Lynn Anderson said...

Good try !6:26...that poll was June 1-18

Lynn Anderson said...

Monday, July 12, 2021

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, sponsored by The ANTIFA by Jack Posobiec, for Monday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove.

Anonymous said...

Gallup takes their poll once a month. The latest poll was for the period ending June 18th. There will be another one conducted this month.

Rasmussen has a reputation of being conservative-leaning.

Gallup is widely respected by everyone but the most fanatical on either side of the aisle.

Enjoy your evening.

Anonymous said...

49% my ass. Biden ,on a good day ,has probably a 12% approval. The lying media gots to go, along with Captain where am I and the Ho.

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:50. Your opinion. So, you looked this up and whoa, sources from Time Magazine, the Washington Post, The Hill, etc.--all liberal biased rags giving an opinion. No one in their right mind would give Biden a good approval rating, and that's my opinion.