Friday, September 20, 2019

Quote of the Day - Tom Selleck

“Donald is funny, playful, and colorful, but most of all, he is honest. When he decided to run for president, I know he did it with a true conviction to bring this country back to prosperity. He is the only one who can do it. No frills, no fuss, only candid truths.

I am very disappointed at the talk show hosts, also spewing out lies and propaganda against Donald. Why, I wonder? The only thing I can think of is he represents a form of freedom none of them ever saw before, and they are bewildered about it, and frightened about it. I would say “f*ck you” to all of them. To all that are criticizing him for no reason and want him to resign for no reason. Just go to hell all of you!”

~ Tom Selleck


Anonymous said...

Total Fake News.

"At no point ever did Selleck ever conduct an interview with Breitbart News in which he said any of these words. Curiously, however, the words are lifted from a real Hollywood actor who did endorse Trump for president in 2016 — Jon Voight. In a March 2016 Breitbart article titled “Exclusive: Jon Voight Endorses Donald Trump for President,” that outlet published a statement from Voight..."

Lynn Anderson said...

NOT fake news according to this site-
or this one--

Anonymous said... you understand the difference between websites on the internet? That some are legit and others are there to spread disinformation to people like you who have no interest in whether something is true or note and think that all internet news sites are legit?

Snopes, a site that is respected by everyone but people who can't tell the difference between websites, has researched these words and attributed them to Jon Voight. It's a fact.

You're knowingly spreading false information to people....and you could care less.

Lynn Anderson said...

Snopes is a left-wing biased site.
get it?
and if you talk down to me one more time, your comment will be deleted.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone taken the trouble to try and contact Tom Selleck. I've admired Tom Selleck for many years, and the idea that he would express himself publicly in such vulgar terms, strikes me as curious.

Whereas, Jon Voight, would have no hesitation. Anyone who could have fathered a lunatic like Angelina, would have no scruples at a few vulgar words.

Anonymous said...

Y'know when you can picture somebody saying something? I can't picture Tom Selleck saying this. It's not his schtick.

Lynn Anderson said...

@4:44--glad you know Tom Selleck so well. He is an actor.