Saturday, September 28, 2019

Lake Worth Takes Strong Measures

‘We’re trying to make gold out of lead:’ Lake Worth Beach cuts 35 jobs

That sounds exactly like something City Manager Bornstein would say--

"The budget passed Tuesday by a divided City Commission -- slashes monthly block parties and library hours and eliminates 35 positions, including five in which workers were laid off."

 The city even got rid of Vickie Joslyn, the Librarian who has been with the city for 20 years!  It closed the aquatics department that oversaw the pool as it is the administrations desire to spend $10 million for a new aquatics center. You remember what they did to Sally Welsh. Code enforcement has been cut as well.

**Commissioners Maxwell and Hardy were in a unique position last week when they said they were against this new budget. It would have gone down in defeat on a 2/2 vote as Herman Robinson was absent. It would have given them a few more weeks to digest all the repercussions of passing it. They both were intimidated by others saying they had to pass this budget by October 1 and changed their minds.

Part of the intimidation was when the city attorney said that if the budget did not pass on the 2nd reading it would revert to the vote of the First Reading. This was wrong. The budget amount would have continued with the same amounts as the 2019 budget and line items.

Read the Palm Beach Post article

They can have pipe dreams and want to spend millions but treat our employees and city in this manner.


Anonymous said...

Mike had better not be coming up for a raise.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine the library without Vickie. Who else at that facility even has the educational credentials to be a librarian.

Anonymous said...

Yet the Mayor has a car allowance in such a tiny town.

Lynn Anderson said...

They all have car allowances--not just the Mayor. It comes to $6,000 a year.

Anonymous said...

The car allowance is really outrageous, $500 a month! I voted for all of these guys except for Robinson he’s the nice one that everybody loves but I can’t think of one thing he’s done to make this city better, Omari has him in his pocket.

Anonymous said...

the City Attorney is wrong and should have known that it was wrong, the City Manager should have spoken up
The Tie Vote is neither for or against
IT DIDN;T PASS.....They will have to go back to last years budget and advertise again and VOTE again till they get a MAJORITY