Thursday, September 26, 2019

For all you Climate Change Alarmists

This is for all those, as well as that Swedish kid, predicting dooms day--


Anonymous said...

So far, I personally, have not noticed any good changes in the climate. On balance, the climate, which I will call the weather seems worse than it used to. This is what I base my opinions on.

Lynn Anderson said...

"weather seems worse than it used to?"
How about some examples of your impressions regarding the climate.

Anonymous said...

Well, since I didn't want to try to sound like I was making a scientific statement, I used the word weather. However, since you insist, I used the word weather, more or less synonymously with climate. The weather has definitely changed in the last 20 or so years. I don't think you would find many people who are not insensate who would disagree with that assessment.

Lynn Anderson said...

You still are just stating an opinion.I guess the video was unconvincing to you? 500 scientists came out and agreed that there is no climate change.
Do you see this that was on my blog recently?

Anonymous said...

Lynn, that's like saying there was no ice age, or for that matter, that there were no dinosaurs. The climate is always changing. The earth is not here to accommodate us. It does what it does. All the Kings Horses, and all the Kings Men! The Earth is many millions of years old.

Lynn Anderson said...

The climate is always changing and it goes in cycles. Scientists keep predicting new ice ages.

Anonymous said...

Snow in the Rockies today.

Anonymous said...

I think the scientists said that Juul would be much better for you than cigarettes. Scientists are always saying things that turn out to be false. In fact, many times they are disastrous. I say, go with what you know. Forget the scientists. They are only people with a different degree. Is your financial advisor always right?

Anonymous said...

Juul said Juul is better than cigarettes, marketing genius, addicting them young.

Laurence said...

Ccigarettes provide a much smaller volume of toxins into the lungs.

The human body needs oxygen to thrive and these smokestacks fill the lungs preventing all but a minute amount of lung surface to be reached by anything but toxic, flavored and likely oily and moist contaminants where pure oxygen previously penetrated the
lungs of the cigarette smoker.
Of course people are being injured and dying from this idiotic habit.