Thursday, September 19, 2019

Two Californians assisted 9/11 Hijackers

Miami judge asked to release key 9/11 name

And guess what? It was two Saudis living in California who assisted the 9/11 hijackers...why should anyone be surprised? California has a lot of dangerous people along with the addicts, homeless and criminal illegals in this sanctuary state. Today, the most dangerous person of all is its governor.

The FBI is saying the case is "still opened." Are they kidding me? Government cover-up still going on?

Read the Court papers that now requires full public release under FOIA.


Lynn Anderson said...

The ONLY country Trump "loves" in the Mid-East is Israel. He does acknowledge, however, that the Saudis have spent over $400 billion in this country over a number of years.

Anonymous said...

Only Trump?

It's an unholy alliance. It always was, and probably always will be.