Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tonight's City Commission meeting

Tonight's Commission Meeting--not worth your time

College Park Neighborhood Association will give its 10 minute presentation.

There are nine items on the Consent Agenda.

Under New Business, the commission will vote to use the penny sales tax funds on a pool.

Last year, CPZ presented commissioners with six conceptual design ideas that ranged from $14 million to $59 million and a six-lane pool to no pool to a private development hotel. The city is down to two schemes now for the pool. Scheme A will cost $9,090,632 with Scheme B costing $10,600.596. So, they will vote to go forward using the penny sales tax for one of these schemes.


Laurence said...

When the present rebuild at our beach was conceived, we citizens spent countless hours at multiple public meetings to advocate for their vision of casino and beach redevelopment.
What exists at the beach now is the result of those meetings and input with the exception of the condition of our long neglected pool. The lack of oversight of Greater Bay's pool repair and rehabilitation and the approval of the "finished" product to get the FRDAP $200.000 grant, by a long term city employee, Corey O'Gorman, left us with the "demolition by, neglect" situation he and our Commisions created.
Real and complete repair of our existing, neglected pool will avoid unnecessary and excessively expensive destruction and construction and reopen our Olympic pool without the delay and inconvenience of new construction at our beach park,
This will honor and respect the expressed desires of us citizens and avoid the boondoggle of a large new construction project and we look forward to a fiscally responsible decision tonight.

Lynn Anderson said...

In May 2017, the City of Lake Worth had Kimley-Horn (a company in business since 1967 and world renowned) give a presentation on what it would cost to repair the pool and the locker room facility. This surprised the City and stunned the Commission and did not fit into their agenda. Kimley-Horn said the building was structurally sound (that really surprised the City)
their estimate at that time was $509,000.
This is what should be done--not conjuring up the spending of multi-millions.

Anonymous said...

you guys put these bafoons in office so stop complaining and do something.one good vote doesnt make up for a bad one.vote the incumbents out.get new blood in there.

Anonymous said...

I just don't think it's going to happen.

Lynn Anderson said...

They are only voting tonight on using the penny sales tax to do something with our pool--not to vote on a scheme...wanted to clear that up.

Anonymous said...

More of my tax dollars going to a socialist "community" pool. I don't use a pool. Why do I have to pay for it? Let the Lake Worth socialists pay for it if they use it.

Another reason to elect Republicans.

Lynn Anderson said...

@9:04 the same resident liberal I see. Your point falls flat just like your entire party. Getting your points from the New York Times.

Anonymous said...

LOL lynn. I think you are mixed up with 9,04.

Lynn Anderson said...

@9:25--NO, you are confused as to what IS socialism and what isn't.

Anonymous said...

I haven't said anything about socialism. I was pointing out that you might be mixed up. LOL. are u haveing a bad day????

Lynn Anderson said...

Nope--my day is always great especially when you liberals suck it up somewhere. Let's just replace our amenity (the pool) at the beach that has been here since 1920 something and one the city has managed to completely ruin.

Anonymous said...

What are the Opportunity Costs of rehabilitating the pool? Could the money be better spent on a more current project? Might it not be better to let the past in the past? There must be something of a more urgent nature. I don't think the half million is going to be enough. Some considerable time has gone by since the 509,000. estimate.

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:27--even if the cost has doubled in 2 years, which I doubt, it is better fixing what we have than spending $10,000,000 on a new facility. And there is nothing wrong with the "past." We are all into restoring cottages, why not our pool with the same amount of fervor? Just maintain what we have, something the city never does. I would be nice to really understand the motivation behind all of this money they want to spend.
Omari Hardy was "right on" Tuesday night regarding our pool...and the only one who advocated for the people--which is their job on the dais--it's not about what they want.