Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Lake Worth Budget Passes, finally

By Bailey LeFever
"City commissioners avoided eye contact and silence filled the room Tuesday night as they appeared headed toward a critical failure: inability to pass the city’s $166.3 million budget before the state’s Oct. 1 deadline.

While City Manager Michael Bornstein contemplated holding an emergency meeting to pass a budget, the votes lined up 2-2 with the fifth commissioner absent, (Commissioner Robinson underwent surgery) meaning the budget would not pass. Such a failure would “make us look silly,” Mayor Pam Triolo said.

However, Commissioner Scott Maxwell, who had pledged to vote against the budget, switched his vote after Commissioner Omari Hardy said he, too, would cast a vote against.

Maxwell had been adamant that the city had to solve glaring financial problems before setting aside a chunk of $16 million in capital for a new waterfront pool.

'I will vote for this tonight,' he said, “but I will fight this with everything I’ve got if we spend one nickel on the beach.'"

Read the article...


Lynn Anderson said...

I'm with you Scott Maxwell--just fix what we have!

Anonymous said...

16 MILLION ???? Kimley Horn said our pool could be up and open for well under one million!!! What kind of slush fund /con game are these crooks trying to pull?

Laurence said...

I'm with you and Scott, Lynn.

Fix the sound pool for a half million (Kimley Horn's estimate and save our penny tax funds for some other allowable projects.

Avoid a long lasting boondoggle and tighten up the holes in politicians pockets whn they have too much of our money.