Monday, September 16, 2019

"Granny flats" in Lake Worth (Beach)

‘Granny flats’ remain hard to define in Lake Worth Beach

Who says, "They're hard to define?"

Is there anything about a 3/2 rejection vote to ADU's that no one understands?

Commissioners Hardy and Robinson are still not through with this idea of Accessory Dwelling Units allowed throughout residential districts in our city.

Read about it... and the latest proposal before the Historical Preservation Board of an owner who wants to build one on a street saturated with them. The Board, on advice of its attorney, tabled the request.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that we have to put up with this from this "Old Fool" Robinson. Why doesn't he just move out to the acreage where he can do whatever he wants to with his property. He can even dig his own cemetery plot.

Is he that poor that he has to further destroy the neighborhood. Maybe we should take up a collection for him, and see that he gets food stamps and welfare. Maybe he's not getting paid enough by the city for his enormous contribution in getting the name of the city changed.

What a Putz!

Anonymous said...

I just don't care for the deceit that is being pushed upon us all.

"Granny Flat" How quaint. Call it what it is: An additional rental unit.

These are ALREADY ALLOWED in any of our zoned multi family districts.

What does "Single Family" in the term "Single Family Residential" zoning district mean?

There are PLENTY of these units already being illegally rented out all over the existing SFR districts and the neighbors can do NOTHING about it. Code enforcement can't, even though many were converted illegally without permits and the city is not even getting the rental license fees from them.

IF the ADU's are ever allowed in the Single Family Residential districts, everyone that now operates one illegally might have precedence to make their's conforming.

Parking is already an issue where these units now exist illegally. Several residents have testified to that and how it takes away from their quality of life when cars belonging to neighboring properties constantly park in front of their house because there is not enough parking on or in front of the place they live.

This has to be thought through more thoroughly.

Lynn Anderson said...

THANK YOU @4:46.

Anonymous said...

I was just wondering as I was driving through the city today: What exactly is the dividing line between SFD/SFA, and Multi-Family, e.g. duplex, garden condo etc.

From what I can see, Single Family Detached and Attached, and Multi Family, are all mixed in together.

What am I missing?

Anonymous said...

do our own term limits and vote the bums out.

Anonymous said...

Time to kick the fuc holes out of office.

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:51. 3 commissioners voted against ADU's: Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lynn! It's obvious that 8:30 and 8:51 weren't paying attention.

Anonymous said...

I was paying attention.just because they voted the way you wanted once don't make them suited for the seat

Lynn Anderson said...

We were talking about Granny flats and someone said it was time to kick commissioners out of office. Let's give credit where it's due. The trio votes the right way the largest percentage of the time. We are never going to agree with any one commissioner 100%. I am, however, all for term limits!

Anonymous said...

Term limits might apply, if there was an abundance of talent to choose from. I haven't seen any evidence of that in the years I've been living here.

You have to recognize the fact that the vast majority of people don't want to run for office. Usually, it's the bottom of the barrel.

Term limits is an ideal, but not a practical reality.

Lynn Anderson said...

There are a lot of good people out here. Term Limits would give them incentive to run. It is very hard going against an incumbent who has networked and has campaign contributions from God knows where. So much of the money is hidden in one way or another. Term Limits can help rid corruption in city government.

Anonymous said...

I don't see it happening. There are a lot of good people in the country, but look who runs for president. A ragtag bunch. I agree with your last Email where you said the Trio votes the right way most of the time. Doesn't that deserve consideration. You never know what forces compel people to run for office. Once they are elected, it's too late. I like the trio, and they have the pulse of this city. Let's face it, we've had mayor's who couldn't stand the job.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, why would that give them an incentive? They would spend months and months of their time and money, only to be thrown out in two years.

What did the Founding Fathers say about this?

Lynn Anderson said...

No one is advocating for that. They are in there for 3 years at a crack. Term limits of 2 or 3, three year terms is an idea worth debating