Friday, September 20, 2019

Jerry Nadler is a Scumbag

Matt Gaetz and Corey Lewandowski skewer Nadler and the Democrat Party, but don’t look for it in the mainstream media

"Matt Gaetz is a patriot. Despite multiple death threats from crazed liberals, he marches on in his personal crusade to save America from the demonic Democrat Party.

By all means, watch the entire video, below, but especially the beginning. Listen closely to Gaetz’s words as he calls out Jerry Nadler and the Democrats for what they are, anti-American, seditious scumbags who would put anyone they can find on the hot seat of a congressional hearing in an attempt to use anything they might say as a seed to generate public support from the American people to throw their duly elected president out of office." [Powdered Wig Society]

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