Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Monday, September 30, 2019
Liberals sign Pledge not to have children
No Joke, Over 4,000 Liberals Sign A Pledge To NOT Have Children Due To Climate Change
"Liberals are so dramatic but in this case, maybe it isn’t such a bad thing? Call me cynical but I see a silver lining here. I’m talking about an ongoing pledge to not have children that liberals are signing to combat ‘climate change.’"And think about this--with the average family at 1.9 children, there could be at least 7,600 less brainwashed liberals in the country.
Read about the idiocy
Climate Change Kid wearing Antifa shirt
And they allowed this kid to speak before the United Nations? It's really incredible the crap going on in our country.
Climate Change,
Greta Thunberg,
United Nations
Woman confronts Beto on Gun Confiscation
Women Who Is Owner Of An Open Carry Restaurant Speaks Out After Confronting Beto
Illegals out on bail for rape "get out of Dodge"
Illegals Accused of Child Rape Flee After Being Freed by Sanctuary Cities
This happened in two sanctuary cities, one in the sanctuary county of Westchester New York and one in New Jersey which is a sanctuary state--two states that used to be great. Boy have they gone down the tubes and that's what happens under Democrats.Read about the low-lives... who were out on bail and fled.
Sanctuary Cities,
Sanctuary State
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Murder in Lake Worth (Beach) two more shot
A woman at the scene told a Post reporter one victim was her nephew.
LAKE WORTH BEACH — Multiple people were shot in a Lake Worth Beach neighborhood Sunday afternoon
The murder happened in 900 block of South G Street, where it intersects with South F Street and no one is talking!Upon arrival deputies located three adult male victims, one deceased and two injured. The injured were taken to a local hospital"
Read about it...
Lindsey Graham Calls on DOJ
Graham Goes One Step Farther Than Trump & Calls On The DOJ To Investigate Biden’s Son
"Senator Lindsey Graham has gone even one step farther than President Trump and is demanding that the Department of Justice get involved and investigate Biden and his son. The Senator from South Carolina is “hoping that the Department of Justice will look at the Biden-Ukraine connection the way that we looked at Trump-Russia connection"And that's how it should be. Democrats say that they want they want "truth and justice" and that "no one is above the law" (how many times have we heard Democrats say that lately regarding the President), so if that's the case, let's also look into Crooked Hillary and the Russian connection.
Read about it...
Crooked Hillary,
Donald Trump,
Lindsey Graham,
Former Federal employee leaked classified docs to Reporter
A former intelligence analyst working as a contractor for the federal government charged with stealing classified documents and turning them over to a reporter
"It is believed that Daniel E. Hale, the former analyst, was working with reporter Jeremy Scahill of The Intercept. The Intercept published some of those files on drone warfare in 2015.AG Bill Barr says the DOJ is investigating multiple leaks."
Read about it...
Attorney General,
News Media
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The Swamp Creatures pulled a Fast-One
The intelligence community secretly eliminated a requirement that whistleblowers provide direct, first-hand knowledge of alleged wrongdoings.
"The internal properties of the newly revised “Disclosure of Urgent Concern” form, which the intelligence community inspector general (ICIG) requires to be submitted under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA), show that the document was uploaded on September 24, 2019, at 4:25 p.m., just days before the anti-Trump complaint was declassified and released to the public. The markings on the document state that it was revised in August 2019, but no specific date of revision is disclosed."And this is why Shifty Schiff who had knowledge of the Whistleblower's complaint a month before it came out, did not reveal it. They were working hard behind the scenes to make this whistleblower complaint legit.
Whistleblower Report form
Read the article... from the Federalist
Democrats jumping the gun
Can this longtime liberal keep Democrats from going over the cliff?
It's too bad the Scottish journalist who wrote "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" nearly 180 years ago has already penned that title. It perfectly describes the impeachment fever that has possessed today's Democrat Party.As the evidence trickles out, the charges against President Trump becomes less and less credible, while Joe Biden and his son are left holding the bag ... and Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats barrel on undeterred.
If evidence won't stop their mad dash toward the cliff, perhaps the wisdom of this liberal legal icon will.
But don't hold your breath.
Read about it... and what Alan Dershowitz has to say about the Democrats going forward on impeachment.Lake Worth Takes Strong Measures
‘We’re trying to make gold out of lead:’ Lake Worth Beach cuts 35 jobs
That sounds exactly like something City Manager Bornstein would say--"The budget passed Tuesday by a divided City Commission -- slashes monthly block parties and library hours and eliminates 35 positions, including five in which workers were laid off."
The city even got rid of Vickie Joslyn, the Librarian who has been with the city for 20 years! It closed the aquatics department that oversaw the pool as it is the administrations desire to spend $10 million for a new aquatics center. You remember what they did to Sally Welsh. Code enforcement has been cut as well.
**Commissioners Maxwell and Hardy were in a unique position last week when they said they were against this new budget. It would have gone down in defeat on a 2/2 vote as Herman Robinson was absent. It would have given them a few more weeks to digest all the repercussions of passing it. They both were intimidated by others saying they had to pass this budget by October 1 and changed their minds.
Part of the intimidation was when the city attorney said that if the budget did not pass on the 2nd reading it would revert to the vote of the First Reading. This was wrong. The budget amount would have continued with the same amounts as the 2019 budget and line items.
Read the Palm Beach Post article
They can have pipe dreams and want to spend millions but treat our employees and city in this manner.
No High Crime or Misdemeanor
Andy McCarthy doesn't believe Ukraine call rises to level of high crimes and misdemeanors
"In my view, Chairman Schiff’s claim, based on IGIC Atkinson’s interpretation of the statute, is wrong. Section 3033 does not apply to a president’s negotiations with or commitments to foreign powers, or to a president’s sharing of classified information with foreign powers.To repeat, the statute applies to intelligence activities by government officials acting under the authority of the DNI. If I am right, the Trump administration should not be accused of law-breaking for declining to follow Section 3033, even if the whistleblower had an “urgent concern” in the ordinary understanding of that term."
~ Andrew C. McCarthy
Andrew C. McCarthy III (born 1959)[1] is an American columnist for National Review. He served as an Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York[ Wikipedia]
Friday, September 27, 2019
Quote of the Day - Jon Voight
Jon Voight Denounces Democrat Impeach Inquiry As 'War Against Truth'

~ Jon Voight
Democrats are crumbling before our very eyes
As the Impeachment Push Crumbles Democrats Are Starting to Panic
The Democratic Party has staked its future on impeaching Donald Trump.Bad move, hombres.
Wasn't Adam Schiff about the worst during the Maguire hearing? They kept bringing up "credibility" when in fact, they have little left.
American liberal in Hong Kong
Entitled American liberal tries to convince Hong Kong protestors that safety is more valuable than freedom. They ain’t listening!
So sad! This pathetic, entitled, American liberal is in Hong Kong scolding the protestors who are demanding freedom--telling them that they value freedom too highly, that it is safety that is more important. She is stripping the walls in a public area of their protest literature.Read more about it... at Powdered Wig Society.
Incompetent Teachers in our School System
There are a lot of "idiots" teaching our kids
And every parent in this country should be aware of these whacked out liberal teachers. Thank God for a student who took a screen shot of the "quiz" and sent it to a parent. These liberal teachers are worse in some ways than the fake news main stream media as they are targeting impressionable children.Read about it...
County Palm Beach,
Shifty Schiff says it's a "Parody"
Adam Schiff Fabricates Details of Call…Then Tries to Say He Was Creating Parody
Oh, Please
The Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee has zero intelligence. What he has is a concoction of bull chit, deceit and a screwed up mind. And to lie like this to the world really shows he is mentally challenged, unsuited for any job in Washington D.C. other than a hitman for the immoral Democrat mob.Read about Shifty...
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Quote of the Day - On Greta Thunberg
More than 500 scientists and professionals in climate and related fields told the U.N. there is no climate emergency.

Dinesh D'Souza,
Greta Thunberg,
Quote of the Day
For all you Climate Change Alarmists
This is for all those, as well as that Swedish kid, predicting dooms day--
Transcript of call to Ukranian President
The Transcript of Trump's call to Zelenskyy
No collusion. No obstruction. Nothing unethical. No quid pro quo.
No collusion. No obstruction. Nothing unethical. No quid pro quo.
Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County
Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County (Atlantis Republican Club)
The Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County is honored to host U.S. Representative Brian Mast-Republican, District 18, as our keynote speaker at our October 3, 2019 meeting. Representative Mast will speak and answer questions. He is in his second term as a United States Representative. Prior to his election, he served in the U.S. Army for 12 years and volunteered to serve with the Israeli Defense Force. He is a member of two committees:
- The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, where his priorities include fixing the pressing water quality issues stemming from Lake Okeechobee;
- The Foreign Affairs Committee, where he uses his military expertise to help strengthen the safety and security of the United States
The Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County meets at the Atlantis Country Club, 190 Atlantis Boulevard in Atlantis, FL 33462. Admission is $16 for members, or $19 for non members. Admission includes 1 beverage and light appetizers. RSVP to Club Vice President Ruth Field Beck at 561-294-5436 or or Club Secretary Jamie Fleagane Lally, D.C. at
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Private Meeting between Mayor Pete & BLM Folks
New Report Reveals Pete Buttigieg Met Privately With Black Lives Matter Activists This Summer
"A new report making its way across the Internet has revealed that South Bend Mayor and current Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg met privately with members of Black Lives Matter over the summer.Buttigieg has recently hired a black management director to help undo some of the damage he’s done to his relationship with this very important demographic, which is much needed, seeing as he’s only polling at 2 percent with registered black voters."
Read about Mayor Pete...
Black Lives Matter,
Pete Buttigieg,
Police Brutality
Biden - Loser who is Losing
Biden doesn't know why people should vote for him
and neither do we!
Poor Joe. He is really out of it if he ever was "with it."He can't answer reporters questions as to what he brings to the table. And think about it, the press has always been liberal--what a loser. But then, do Democrats have any winner?
Read about sleepy Joe
Lake Worth Budget Passes, finally
By Bailey LeFever
"City commissioners avoided eye contact and silence filled the room Tuesday night as they appeared headed toward a critical failure: inability to pass the city’s $166.3 million budget before the state’s Oct. 1 deadline.
While City Manager Michael Bornstein contemplated holding an emergency meeting to pass a budget, the votes lined up 2-2 with the fifth commissioner absent, (Commissioner Robinson underwent surgery) meaning the budget would not pass. Such a failure would “make us look silly,” Mayor Pam Triolo said.
However, Commissioner Scott Maxwell, who had pledged to vote against the budget, switched his vote after Commissioner Omari Hardy said he, too, would cast a vote against.
Maxwell had been adamant that the city had to solve glaring financial problems before setting aside a chunk of $16 million in capital for a new waterfront pool.
'I will vote for this tonight,' he said, “but I will fight this with everything I’ve got if we spend one nickel on the beach.'"
Read the article...
"City commissioners avoided eye contact and silence filled the room Tuesday night as they appeared headed toward a critical failure: inability to pass the city’s $166.3 million budget before the state’s Oct. 1 deadline.
While City Manager Michael Bornstein contemplated holding an emergency meeting to pass a budget, the votes lined up 2-2 with the fifth commissioner absent, (Commissioner Robinson underwent surgery) meaning the budget would not pass. Such a failure would “make us look silly,” Mayor Pam Triolo said.
However, Commissioner Scott Maxwell, who had pledged to vote against the budget, switched his vote after Commissioner Omari Hardy said he, too, would cast a vote against.
Maxwell had been adamant that the city had to solve glaring financial problems before setting aside a chunk of $16 million in capital for a new waterfront pool.
'I will vote for this tonight,' he said, “but I will fight this with everything I’ve got if we spend one nickel on the beach.'"
Read the article...
Melodramatic Brainwashed Teen - "How Dare you?"
She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 24, 2019
How did she get a forum?
How did she get a forum?
Climate Change,
Greta Thunberg,
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
President Trump - America First
“Too often people in power preach diversity, while shunning or silencing
the faithful,” Trump said. “True tolerance means respecting the rights
of all people to express their deeply held religious beliefs.”
Donald Trump,
Freedom of Religion,
United Nations
Violence in Portland during Climate Change Rally
What Do You Get When You Cross Antifa Bullies With People Fighting back?…
Satisfaction, My Friends
Those little fascists in the organization known as Antifa, have had it all their own way up until now, but hopefully, after Friday that will all change.A combined force of Portland police and agents from the DHS were protecting the local ICE office when the Antifa thugs began throwing things at them.
But, this time they didn’t hold back and take it Instead they fought back and we got to see how really cowardly Antifa really are. They ran like little schoolgirls." [Steadfast & Loyal]
These little SOB's need to all be arrested.
Gangs / Punks,
Homeowner protects himself after Teen Fires Gun
Family of Thug Who Tried to Rob Man Insists There Was No Need to Kill Him
You may have read a recent story about a man who was standing in his front yard with his mother and another man when three young thugs tried to rob him. One pulled out a gun and fired, prompting the homeowner to whip out his gun and kill all three thugs. [Steadfast & Loyal]Liberal says the homeowner didn't have to kill these "little teens." Beto is probably pounding on his door sounding off about gun confiscation.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Obama on our Border Crisis
Back in 2014, President Barack Obama called the influx of unaccompanied immigrant
children on the southwestern border of the United States a humanitarian
crisis caused for the most part by the country's broken immigration
system. The president has blamed Republican lawmakers for blocking his
efforts to reform the immigration law, and said he will use an executive
action to protect U.S. borders.
Border Control,
Executive Order,
Lake Worth 2nd Public Hearing on 2020 Budget
For a little trivia, the budget overseen by Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City is the largest municipal budget in the U.S. at over $70 billion a year.
But, in spite of New York City's tremendous budget and all their problems, on Tuesday night, the city commission will have its 2nd Public Hearing to Adopt the 2019/2020 Budget. We, here in Lake Worth, consider our budget substantial for a city with 37,000 people. The commission will be passing a total budget of $167,632,711.
Click to read--
On September 12, the commission passed the budget on the First Reading with Commissioners Hardy and Maxwell dissenting. Commissioner Hardy's objection was the fact he did not receive a line itemed budget. If you notice in the graphic above, the city provided little information or detail in their summary to the taxpayer.
The total millage rate is 10.0626 mills which is 8.27% (another thing the city failed to tell you in their published Budget Summary) more than last year.
But, in spite of New York City's tremendous budget and all their problems, on Tuesday night, the city commission will have its 2nd Public Hearing to Adopt the 2019/2020 Budget. We, here in Lake Worth, consider our budget substantial for a city with 37,000 people. The commission will be passing a total budget of $167,632,711.
Click to read--
On September 12, the commission passed the budget on the First Reading with Commissioners Hardy and Maxwell dissenting. Commissioner Hardy's objection was the fact he did not receive a line itemed budget. If you notice in the graphic above, the city provided little information or detail in their summary to the taxpayer.
The total millage rate is 10.0626 mills which is 8.27% (another thing the city failed to tell you in their published Budget Summary) more than last year.
Bill de Blasio,
City of Lake Worth,
Lighting Up Lake Worth with Clean Cavitation Energy
“Energy Tourism” appears to be in the future for Lake Worth
with it becoming an “Economic Powerhouse.”
Mayor Pam Triola has been instrumental in both “Solar power” and “Gulfstream power.” She began with a solar farm she brought to Lake Worth and is already delivering significant power to the electric grid through the Lake Worth power station… Ed Liberty, Electric Utility Director Lake Worth, brought her good ideas into the Power Utility and the two of them are now reshaping the energy future of Lake Worth.Both Ed and Mayor Pam are also involved in the groundbreaking work to harness the electric power producing potential of Gulfstream Current. This is a project where FAU received a Federal grant to develop the turbine technology, and in the near future the goal will be running the power from the turbines to the Lake Worth Power grid.
Even more impressive, because of the electricity and the money it can make for Lake Worth, and for the Energy Tourism that could result from it, is the development of a “Cavitation Energy” prototype at the Lake Worth Power Utility, funded by the owners of CAVITATION ENERGY SYSTEMS and to be built by Florida Atlantic University.
I believe this will be the Alternative Energy project that Lake Worth could actually get “rich” with, if a town could “get rich.” Cavitation Energy is CLEAN ENERGY . Even it’s waste - Steam byproduct, can be used to clean polluted water if we wish ( water polluted by someone else). In other words, this is beyond clean!
FAU tests already showed the first Cavitation Energy System prototype could
take a small generation of power and use this
to create Cavitation implosions in a “cavitation engine” that multiplies the source power to far beyond what science used to believe
Think of the “cavitation engine” as a modular “engine” using
something similar to diesel injectors that create the bubbles and shoot them
into impact chambers, where the cavitation bubbles ignite at 18,000 degrees
kelvin, and generate plasma/steam for a turbine to make electricity.
FAU has proven that with fresh water being shot into the
impact chambers, the bubble implosions create enough steam to run a turbine for
electrical production putting out 5
times the power put into it by solar, natural gas or Gulfstream Energy. With saltwater used instead, the implosion
reactions are far more violent, releasing closer to 18 times the power put
in…but the long term operation with salt needs a few more tweaks before it can
be utilized for a town….future grants are necessary, of course.
For now, the 5 times
increase is very dramatic all by itself and Cavitation Energy Systems is presently in talks with the town to get the
new prototype built at the Lake Worth power plant where it could run a
large building in phase one, a city block in phase 2, and the whole downtown in
a phase 3. The system is perfectly modular, allowing very easing scaling of
additional power. 10 megawatts of Solar produced Electricity would become 50
megawatts of Electricity in our grid.
The future could mean a huge net EXPORT of electrical energy
for Lake Worth, generating untold millions of dollars per year to
Lake Worth and then “ENERGY TOURISM” - where companies and countries come
from all over the world to learn how they could use Cavitation Energy.
By: Dan Volker
Lake Worth
Lake Worth
Teen saved from Rip current at Lake Worth beach
Teenage swimmer rescued at Lake Worth Beach--caught in a rip current.
Just surprised that our lifeguards were still working at 6:30pmRead about it...
City of Lake Worth,
The Climate Change Hoax
We have a few serious topics on this blog today. This one is on the "climate change" fraud--
Through worldwide acts of professional and criminal misconduct, the science behind global warming has been invented or distorted for ideological or financial reasons so says Tony Heller of
Through worldwide acts of professional and criminal misconduct, the science behind global warming has been invented or distorted for ideological or financial reasons so says Tony Heller of
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Paul Manafort
Guess Who Exonerated Paul Manafort of Charges From 8 Years Ago
"Eight years ago, Paul Manafort was being investigated by an eager young attorney. The investigation went on for a very long time and when it was finished the disappointed young prosecutor exonerated Manafort and they dropped the investigation. Does anyone know the name of that young prosecutor? No?"Well, you won't believe this one, folks!
Find out who it was...
Black Thug beats Elderly couple
"Where is the outrage from the mainstream media over this beating that happened in Warren, Ohio? Imagine if the elderly couple had been black and the perpetrators had been white protesters!"Thug has been charged with two felony aggravated assault charges and racist Black woman has been charged with assault.
Forked Tongue Pocahontas
'Fauxcahontas' Warren's string of lies now her trail of tears
"Elizabeth Warren is speaking with a forked-tongue again.One would have thought that after her more than three-decade claim to be Native American was exposed as a genetic impossibility she could have come completely clean and moved on ... buried the hatchet, so to speak.
But despite her apology to Native Americans for her cultural appropriation there's one lie she won't confess to -- indeed she keeps repeating it.
And now it has caught up with her and will follow her to Election Day."
Read more... and listen to Sean.
No justification for killing babies
Baby Born Alive at 23 Weeks, Abortion Clinic Tossed the Baby in the Trash
"In a Florida abortion clinic, Sycloria Williams delivered a live baby girl at 23 weeks. The clinic owner took the baby who was gasping for air, cut her umbilical cord, threw her into a biohazard bag and put the bag in the trash."Read about it... and it happened in Florida!
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Catch & Release will be ending soon
Trump Is Keeping Promise as BP Commissioner Says 'Catch & Release' Ending at SW Border Within Weeks
“There will be no more catch and release. Nobody coming into the country … And that’s without the Democrats,” Trump said, clearly enjoying the chance to jab at open-border liberals in Congress.Read more about it...
President Trump gets bear hug from Young boy
Greeting the Prime Minister of Australia, there was a reception line of supporters waiting to see the two leaders. One boy, dressed in a full suit and waving a pair of American flags, reached out his hand as Trump approached, and was greeted with a handshake. See what he does next...
Donald Trump,
Lake Worth (Beach) and its Atlantic Ocean Gulfstream Energy
Lake Worth Beach wants to harness the Gulf Stream’s power
[Palm Beach Post] LAKE WORTH BEACH – "Lake Worth Beach wants to become the first place in the world to convert the power of the ocean’s current into energy.'The ideal location is, ironically Lake Worth Beach,' said Ed Liberty, director of the electric utility.
The small beach town is positioned along the Atlantic coast where the current is concentrated in a 60-mile channel between Florida and the Bahamas, Mayor Pam Triolo said. 'This creates the perfect place to access the Gulf Stream.'
The proposal would tap the underwater current to turn a series of turbines and capture the energy of the ocean for transmission to the mainland.
The question is, how will the city pay for the initial $60 million testing it would take to build the facility."
I believe I know someone who has the answer to the Post's question.
Leprosy has reemerged in the United States
Leprosy In Los Angeles
Thank you open border Democrats. Between 100 and 200 cases of leprosy have been recorded over the last year. Leprosy remains more prevalent in Central and South America with over 20,000 new cases diagnosed annually and illegals are bringing deadly diseases with them."Most U.S. cases occur in people who traveled to the United States from areas of the world where the bacterial infection is endemic." [Medical Daily]
Read about it... this is just another thing that can be 100% blamed on Democrats.
A strong reason to BUILD THE WALL.
Build the Wall,
Infectious Diseases,
United States
Dan Crenshaw gets harrassed in Halls of Congress
Dan Crenshaw keeps his cool
During an ambush by a trumped up liberal. Democrats don't want conversation.Friday, September 20, 2019
Jerry Nadler is a Scumbag
Matt Gaetz and Corey Lewandowski skewer Nadler and the Democrat Party, but don’t look for it in the mainstream media
"Matt Gaetz is a patriot. Despite multiple death threats from crazed liberals, he marches on in his personal crusade to save America from the demonic Democrat Party.By all means, watch the entire video, below, but especially the beginning. Listen closely to Gaetz’s words as he calls out Jerry Nadler and the Democrats for what they are, anti-American, seditious scumbags who would put anyone they can find on the hot seat of a congressional hearing in an attempt to use anything they might say as a seed to generate public support from the American people to throw their duly elected president out of office." [Powdered Wig Society]
Trump Sues over Tax Returns
Trump Sues Manhattan DA Over Tax Return Subpoena
Democrats are hell bent on "getting" President Trump.Where do they have the right to obtain this information, going back eight years no less? Isn't this protected information?
"Donald Trump sued Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. after the DA subpoenaed eight years of the president’s tax returns in a probe to determine whether or not the Trump Organization falsified financial records. In response to the subpoenas issued by the New York County District Attorney, we have filed a lawsuit this morning in federal court on behalf of the President in order to address the significant constitutional issues at stake in this case,” Trump attorney Jay Sekulow said in a statement."
They are "fishing" hoping to find something illegal.
Communists protest Trump and our Flag
Communists Protest Trump, Burn U.S. Flags, Scream “America Was Never Great!”
Crazy and dangerous people continue to take over the streets of America. And if it's a demonstration against our President, Democrats love it.
"The communists who protested in the streets were nothing short of vulgar and utterly classless. They didn’t hesitate to curse and swear at the president, burn the American flag, and claim that this nation was never great. Furthermore, Revolution Club Los Angeles made very clear that they were proud of their actions and see nothing wrong with the antics they engaged in.What’s fascinating about all of this is that as this communist group burned the flag, cursed Trump and Pence, and screamed about how much they hate America, they also called for “humanity first.”
[Conservative Brief]
Donald Trump,
Quote of the Day - Tom Selleck

“Donald is funny, playful, and colorful, but most of all, he is honest. When he decided to run for president, I know he did it with a true conviction to bring this country back to prosperity. He is the only one who can do it. No frills, no fuss, only candid truths.
I am very disappointed at the talk show hosts, also spewing out lies and propaganda against Donald. Why, I wonder? The only thing I can think of is he represents a form of freedom none of them ever saw before, and they are bewildered about it, and frightened about it. I would say “f*ck you” to all of them. To all that are criticizing him for no reason and want him to resign for no reason. Just go to hell all of you!”
~ Tom Selleck
Donald Trump,
Hollywood types,
Quote of the Day
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Two Californians assisted 9/11 Hijackers
Miami judge asked to release key 9/11 name
And guess what? It was two Saudis living in California who assisted the 9/11 hijackers...why should anyone be surprised? California has a lot of dangerous people along with the addicts, homeless and criminal illegals in this sanctuary state. Today, the most dangerous person of all is its governor.The FBI is saying the case is "still opened." Are they kidding me? Government cover-up still going on?
Read the Court papers that now requires full public release under FOIA.
Omar up to BS again
Ilhan Omar Compares Detention Centers to Slave Dungeons
This stupid broad, defender of terrorists, is now comparing detention centers to the slave dungeons in Africa where slaves were kept while awaiting ships to carry them away.Read about it... and this total disgrace of an elected official in America.
On SNL and Shane Gillis' Firing
Fired for truth
"Liberals have gone too far with their ‘cancel-culture’ mania. They’ve targeted celebs for supporting Trump and others for things they said years ago. Recently we have watched one comedian struggle against the left. Ultimately, it cost him his job." Does anyone really watch this show these days? Alec Baldwin can thank President Trump for making him a fortune because of his bias and Trump hate.Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Lake Worth Pool
I was 100%in agreement with Commissioner Hardy last night. Although there was no dollar amount affiliated with the motion, at least we will spend some money on the pool complex.
I still say let's use Kimley Horn's engineering report and rebuild our present pool and locker rooms for $509,000 or whatever the cost is now due to inflation, etc.
Other Remarks by engineers:
Pool structural deficiencies: None
Pool finishes: fairly good
Building condition (locker rooms and restrooms): Fair to good
Building deficiencies: Roof cover and minor mechanical and plumbing issues
Pump House deficiencies: Replace roof system. interior piping near end of its useful life--needs to be removed and replaced.
I still say let's use Kimley Horn's engineering report and rebuild our present pool and locker rooms for $509,000 or whatever the cost is now due to inflation, etc.
Other Remarks by engineers:
Pool structural deficiencies: None
Pool finishes: fairly good
Building condition (locker rooms and restrooms): Fair to good
Building deficiencies: Roof cover and minor mechanical and plumbing issues
Pump House deficiencies: Replace roof system. interior piping near end of its useful life--needs to be removed and replaced.
City of Lake Worth,
Kimley Horn,
Sales Tax
V.P. Pence "should be shot in the head"
Teacher Under Investigation After Telling Students VP Pence Should Be ‘Shot In The Head’
Read about this teacher who should be in jail... if the assertion is true. The information was passed along to the Secret Service whose mission is the protection of the nation's highest elected leaders and other government officials.This sort of Democrat crap is out of control and assures a big win for Trump/Pence in 2020.
Feinstein colluding with Iran's foreign minister?
EXPOSED: Feinstein In Deep After She’s Caught W/ Iranian Minister On Her Phone, Raising Countless Questions And Accusations
Why, during a crisis like this one, would the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee be talking to Iran’s foreign minister?“What is it with these Democrats fronting for this Islamo-Nazi regime that wants to kill Americans and Jews in Israel? You’ve got Frankenfeinstein, you’ve got … John Kerry — or the real Frankenstein — giving aid and comfort to the enemy!” Mark Levin stated. “It’s not enough that they released $150 billion to this regime; now they’re giving it advice, against the president of the United States. You want to talk about the Logan Act? You want to talk about collusion?”
Click here...
Crazy Democrats amend Civil Rights Act of 1964
Democrats Vote Unanimously to Allow Boys to Compete as Women in Sports
"Equality Act" passes by Democrats 236/173
[Steadfast & Loyal] "The party that bills itself as the party of choice, give women no choice when it comes to being raped by criminal illegal aliens (See Montgomery County, Maryland) and now they are not getting a choice about competing against men dressed as women.This could very well be the end of women’s sports, including professional sports. Of course, it will never be enacted into law and the Democrats never expected it would."
They just passed the bill with 7 Republicans supporting it. Who are these nut jobs? Either the Senate or the president will kill it and Democrats will paint them as being against transgenders.
Read about it...
Civil rights,
House Bills_DC,
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Indictment and Criminal Charges for McCabe and Comey?
House Republicans Confident They Can Take Comey And McCabe Down In One Decisive Strike
Andrew McCabe,
Attorney General,
Donald Trump,
James Comey
Radical Democrat Agenda
Ted Cruz Drops The Hammer
“Donald Trump Has Broken The Democratic Party”
Their radical agenda is and will be their downfall--"...what the Democrats told the American people is they want to raise your taxes, they want to triple the price you pay for a gallon of gas at the pump, they want open borders, they want to take away your health insurance and they want to take away your guns.”
Read what Ted Cruz has to say...
Tonight's City Commission meeting
Tonight's Commission Meeting--not worth your time
College Park Neighborhood Association will give its 10 minute presentation.There are nine items on the Consent Agenda.
Under New Business, the commission will vote to use the penny sales tax funds on a pool.
Last year, CPZ presented commissioners with six conceptual design ideas that ranged from $14 million to $59 million and a six-lane pool to no pool to a private development hotel. The city is down to two schemes now for the pool. Scheme A will cost $9,090,632 with Scheme B costing $10,600.596. So, they will vote to go forward using the penny sales tax for one of these schemes.
City of Lake Worth,
Sales Tax
They're shooting our agents at our border
TRAGIC: Border Agent Wounded In WILD SHOOTOUT During Traffic Stop, Leaving Suspect Dead
"A border patrol agent was shot and wounded at a traffic stop in Texas that resulted in another agent shooting and killing the suspect. It was a routine traffic stop on a road frequently used by narcotics smugglers and illegal aliens. A sheriff’s deputy and another CBP officer were uninjured." [envolve]Read about it...
Border Control,
Border Patrol,
Monday, September 16, 2019
Crazy Liberal Serial Bride
A liberal New Yorker has married ten Muslim men just to get them their green cards, now she’s paying for it.
Read about it..."Granny flats" in Lake Worth (Beach)
‘Granny flats’ remain hard to define in Lake Worth Beach
Who says, "They're hard to define?"Is there anything about a 3/2 rejection vote to ADU's that no one understands?
Commissioners Hardy and Robinson are still not through with this idea of Accessory Dwelling Units allowed throughout residential districts in our city.
Read about it... and the latest proposal before the Historical Preservation Board of an owner who wants to build one on a street saturated with them. The Board, on advice of its attorney, tabled the request.
Democrats Desperate to Weaken Safety in America
Federal Bill Would Require Cops To Ask Suspects Not To Kill Them Before Shooting
The political party of peace and love have come up with another whacked out idea. This one is proposed by a Democrat from Missouri, U.S. Representative William “Lacy” Clay and co-sponsored by another Democrat from California (We already know how F-d up California is).All this will do is further endanger police officers who every day, protect and serve the citizens of their community. Their decisions are based on experience and often times they have micro-seconds to act or they are dead. Liberals love to convince us that the police are dangerous, about as dangerous as their wish to abolish ICE.
A Small Arms Survey stated in 2018 that U.S. civilians alone account for 393 million (about 46 percent) of the worldwide total of civilian held firearms. So, every safety officer potentially encounters someone with a gun ready to kill. And no matter how much Democrats want to confiscate your guns, bad guys will always have guns.
Read about it...
Ordinances and Laws,
Public Safety
Arrested for picking berries!
Florida authorities arrest three people for picking berries without a permit
Berries worth $4.50 a pound but it isn't about the money says the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.Read about it...
Jerry Nadler's Impeachment

~ Jerry Nadler, 1998
“The American people right now do not support it because they do not know the story. They don’t know the facts. We have to get the facts out. We have to hold a series of hearings, we have to hold the investigations...plans to bring Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report “to life” for Americans."
~ Jerry Nadler, 2019
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Kelly Craft, U.S. Ambassador to United Nations
Kelly Craft, 57 of Kentucky, is the Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations, with the rank and status of Ambassador, and the Representative of the United States of America in the Security Council of the United Nations
Vote Counts:
Not Voting--10
The vote was essentially along party lines with five Democrats approving her: Maggie Hassan and Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Chris Murphy of Connecticut and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona. No Republican opposed Craft.
On her third marriage, Craft is married to a billionaire and CEO of the third largest coal producing company in the eastern United States.
Ilhan Omar represents district that harbors terrorist recruitments
Horrifying Attack Unfolds On Man In Ilhan Omar’s District
Ilhan Omar should be concentrating on her district. She's not. These types never do. They would much prefer to trash the president. But her district is full of Somali Muslims joining Somalia-based Islamic insurgency al-Shabab, or the Iraq- and Syria-based ISIS combined.Earlier this year, Fox News reported that new FBI statistics have found that Omar's congressional district is the terrorist recruitment capital of the United States.
Ilhan Omar,
30 years for stabbing Lake Worth High Graduate to Death
Man who killed Lake Worth High School graduate in D.C. gets 30 years
This atrocity happened two miles northeast of The White House in liberal Washington D.C. Why only 30 years for stabbing someone to death? She had seven stab wounds in her head, neck and back. Overkill. It's sad that a life is worth so little.Read about it...
Lake Worth High School,
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