Tuesday, August 6, 2019

"White Nationalist Terrorism"

"On a recent episode of Fox News Sunday in the wake of the two recent mass shootings, 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful South Bend's Pete Buttigieg declared it as 'white nationalist terrorism.'"

Buttigieg stated, “This is terrorism and we have to name it as such. It is very clear that the loss of American life in Charleston, in San Diego, in Pittsburgh by all appearances now in El Paso too is symptomatic of the effects of white nationalist terrorism. ”

Read more about Mayor Pete's political theory...

And incidentally from all reports, the shooter in El Paso was always known as a strange bird--the signs were always there. We need a domestic terrorism statute. And we need to focus on the threat posed by violent extremists who espouse racist or anti-Semitic ideologies. Omar anyone?


Laurence said...

Buttgieg, Ryan, and O'Rourke are going no where so they hope to get some traction by outrageous and inaccurate comments.
Great pictures and numbers Lynn.
Thank you.

Jonathan said...

Of course there are all types mass shooters but the shooters who are committing terrorist acts, shootings done for political purposes, are mostly white nationalists. The manifesto written by the El Paso shooter mimics the language at Trump rallies and he specifically sought out Mexicans because he felt they were "invading" America.

The examples that Mayor Pete cited are more of the same where the shooter espoused a hate or targeted a specific group of people that white nationalists typically don't like.

Anyone who commits a mass shooting is a "strange bird" that most likely suffers from some kind of mental illness. You almost have to be to commit such an act. But there is an uptick in white nationalist shootings that reflect the same kind of ideology (and hate) you see around the web these days.

Anonymous said...

Very well put Johnathan. Ironically, in this particular setting, the shooter is the invader, as the Mexicans have always been in El Paso.

Anonymous said...

Barely a peep about Dayton because the shooter there was Antifa. A supporter of Fakeahontas Warren who should have her affirmative action degree stripped. Thanks to the great police: he's GONE.

Anonymous said...

Don't act like a victim 11:06. You know very well that the story with the greatest number of casualties gets the most news coverage. Also, people can really relate to families shopping for school supplies at Walmart on the Saturday before school starts. Think about it logically, before you start whining.