Monday, August 5, 2019

Tuesday Commission Meeting

We have talked about it through the years, regarding this city commission and city manager, about all the items placed on Consent Agenda. That means NO discussion unless it is pulled by a city commissioner.

What some commissioners do is refer to the past and the very long meetings (under Stanton is my guess when items were explained) as a detriment to democracy or something. They have complained more than once about those meetings lasting to 10-11 or even Midnight and that was when their salaries were half what they are now. Instead, they want everything on Consent--get it off their plate--no discussion--the public be damned. That's the mindset.

And to mention one more thing that is distressing, is the terrible and new city web site, the one where you can't find one damn thing. Why fix something that was working? I know, ADA. It was supposed to be ready by June 1 and only partial information is on it. The city continues to use the ADA Compliant excuse. We still can't stay home and watch the meetings live...ADA again.

The following is one item I would  like to hear more about...

Agreement with David Mancini & Sons, Inc. for construction of the Lake Osborne Estates Water Main Improvements PH I

This Agreement authorizes David Mancini & Sons, Inc. to construct the Lake Osborne Estates Water Main Improvement PH I project in the amount of $2,618,649.00.

The Lake Osborne Estates Water Main Improvement PH I project design was completed and advertised soliciting bids under IFB 19-114.  Sixteen bids were received.  The lowest bid for the sum of $2,618,649.00 was from David Mancini & Sons, Inc.  Craig A Smith & Associates Inc. is recommending award of the Bid to David Mancini & Sons, Inc. as the lowest responsible, responsive bidder.

Other things of interest on the Agenda:
  • The city is taking over some properties that John Romano had an interest in.
  • Employee health and welfare benefits went up 14.8% and will cost $3,908,206
  • An Ordinance 2019-06 prohibiting open containers in commercial establishment parking lots--$500 fine and 60 days in jail
  • Scott Maxwell's Shopping Cart Ordinance 2019-08--The amendments will require shopping cart identification, notice of penalties for removal of shopping carts, and require business establishments to establish an on-site shopping cart retention system. The amendments also require businesses to establish a containment plan, which must be submitted to the City.
This was on a dwelling on Akron two years ago

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