Monday, June 6, 2016

Now tell me again--who's the threat? It's not Israel

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Anonymous said...

That certainly puts it into perspective.

Anonymous said...

No it doesnt.

Anonymous said...

Then Israel won't mind having IAEA inspectors inspect its nuclear weapons facilities, I'm sure. Since Israel is not a threat to anyone.

Lynn Anderson said...

I believe that would be contrary to their security interests.

Anonymous said...

International Atomoc Energy Agency (IAEA) was created in 1957 (ahhh those were the good old days) in response to the deep fears and expectations resulting from the discovery of nuclear energy. The genius behind this was President Eisenhower and his 'Atoms for Peace' address to the general assembly of the United Nations on December 8, 1953. These ideas help to shape the IAEA statute which 81 nations unanimously approved in October 1956.

The nuclear non proliferation treaty calls for inspections and Isreal has been. Member of IAEA since 1957.

Isreal should let inspectors in.

Lynn Anderson said...

Israel has not signed or agreed to the NPT.

Anonymous said...

Not only has Israel not admitted to even having nukes, (it does) it has never threatened anyone with them. To me that is the epitome of self restraint and stability. All those big countries surrounding Israel who publicly call for its destruction have an idea that maybe it wouldn't be in their best interest to attack Israel for some reason.

Who has Israel attacked?