Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Culture at the Cultural Plaza

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No, it wasn't the Lake Worth High School band playing at the Cultural Plaza keeping people up until the wee hours of the morning. It was classical music being played on CD's.

As City Hall is full of brilliance, someone there made another notable management decision--for $16 bucks, we can now sock it to the downtrodden. Remember the 100 year old Ficus tree that they cut down replacing it with some puny Gumbo Limbo? The classical music decision was all about harassing the homeless once again. It's bad enough that they have nowhere to sleep--now we want to make their lives more miserable.

Read Frank Cerabino's column


Anonymous said...

A little country western wouldn't be so bad.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for addressing the homeless campers in the middle of our city. I thought the city passed an ordinance so that PBSO could finally enforce things in the plaza. What happened to all that promised PBSO enforcement? Seems like it didn't happen and now the city has resorted to blasting music at all hours of the night (in violation of the noise ordinance by the way). Why won't PBSO enforce the laws in our downtown? What are we paying for?

Anonymous said...

No one is trying to displace the homeless.

Classical music has a tendency to soothe the savage beast and relax people. I'm all for adding a little class to downtown Lake Worth, and if the by product is that the damn 20-30 year old, mostly male, drug rehab crowd chooses not to be around classical
music, that's a bonus for all of us because we don't want them around us, polluting our parks with their used needles, foul language, hooliganism, agressive panhandling and cigarettes butts. Far better than for them to shuffle off back to Delray Beach… Or better yet back to Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York were not all these drug addicts come from.

So please keep the classical music on, there are those of us who enjoy eating our lunch under the shade of those beautiful trees.

Anonymous said...

Lets go blast music in front of the Mayor's home. Oh yeah, if we can find out where she actually lives,,,,,

Anonymous said...

You have to wonder who,or what, is really making decisions in Lake Worth. My guess is that somewhere within City Hall there is a Magic Eight Ball on a velvet cushion that the powers that be regularly consult. Either that or a piano playing chicken.

Anonymous said...

First of all, the music is not blasting. I was parked at the library this morning, and you can hardly hear it. I agree with adding some higher culture to the neighborhood. Where I have a problem, is with people actually having their lunch and letting children play in that contaminated area. Fumigate and disinfect the plaza, then have your lunch there. I see people sitting on those walls, and wonder at their absolute faith in their immune system to withstand the bacteria that was sitting there previously. And it hasn't even rained lately. Good Luck!