Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Obama - Feds can't say "Negro" or "Oriental"

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This PC stuff is too much.

After this, and if Obama has the time to get to it, his agenda will be the ban on using "illegal alien" or just simply "alien."

Perhaps he can order the federal government to stop using these terms but he can't change the First Amendment. We have the right to tell it like it is. Years ago when filling out forms where you were asked your race, the choices were Caucasian, Negro, Oriental etc. Those terms have long gone and have been changed through the years. Why not simply go back to using white, black, yellow, red, and brown? The government wants more distinct classifications (probably for more entitlement purposes) and don't want to emphasize the color of one's skin; they don't want to offend anyone. Didn't we all come from Africa originally about 2 million years ago? Maybe we're all African Americans.

(Breitbart) – President Barack Obama signed a bill into law Friday banning the federal government from using the terms “Negro” and “Oriental,” making the official terms African-American and Asian-American.

The measure, H.R.4238, was an amendment to the Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Act of 1976 to modernize terms relating to minorities. The legislation passed unanimously in the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate earlier this year.

The law also updates the terms the U.S. federal government uses to describe minorities. American Indians will now be referred to as Native Americans, while, according to the law’s language, a “Spanish speaking individual of Spanish descent” will be referred to as Hispanic.


Anonymous said...


Not that you care.

Lynn Anderson said...

Anonymous said...

The box where you check what race you are should be banned.

Lynn Anderson said...

My bad...we are ALL the same race.

Anonymous said...

As president Reagan would say, "There you go again".

How is this Obama's fault? The Bill pretty much had total bipartisan support, look at the votes. Even Trey Gowdy voted in favor of it.

Anonymous said...

It's like Gov Scott banning the term 'global warming' and 'sea level rise'

Lynn Anderson said...

DEP did it.

Anonymous said...

I suggest that any white person applying for a job in Palm beach county check the Black or Hispanic box. Race is not supposed to matter-they are attaching the race just for "statistical purposes". Yeah,right. If your interviewer says anything like "Mr. Jones, you don't look African American say "Really" ? and go get a lawyer.It's the only way a white American will get a job in this county.