Friday, March 4, 2016

In Bed Together - Strange bed fellows

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"Waiting...just waiting," says Hudson Holdings. "I'm still on the edge of the bed but in 11 days all the feathers belong to me! These yo yos have no clue."


John said...

Repeat, this commissson is corrupt.

Anonymous said...

A lot of things have been tabled until after the election as they are afraid that if they vote on controversial issues the voters won't like their decisions. Just wait residents of Lake Worth. You are in for a shock. ie Hudson Holding deals. Say good bye to the city as you want to see it.

Anonymous said...

Accurate graphic.I've never seen anything like this trio that move in absolute lockstep and have constant meetings out of the sunshine.
Here's a small sample of what they've done in the almost 5 years they've screwed the citizens.Lowered the hours that our pool is open to almost nothing. Lobbied for the destruction of John Prince Park so that billionaires could get richer.A public park that they don't even own.Did away with the planning and zoning board that was in place as soon as they got into office. Some of the members had several years to go on their terms. This board never turned down one recommendation by city staff. So what was the problem? Agreed to a secret ITN process that never should have been allowed. No longer allow the public to see what is going on with board appointments.IGNORED an election certified by the Supervisor of elections. Broke the law by refusing to acknowledge that 45 feet is now the law in the downtown corridor.By ignoring and breaking the law ,the low trio have dragged us into another law suit.Tried to pawn off a bizzare cash grab uncapped liability as a road work bill. The real purpose was to give themselves an 800,000 blank check. Anyone want to guess where that money really would have gone? Have reduced the amount of time for public comment. Have canceled multiple city meetings. Not even Rodney Romano did that.Have secret dinner meetings together behind locked doors before every city meeting. The list could go on.
Let me tell you, I hope that the moment the dais changes, all city boards are immediately dissolved.Bye bye Greg Rice and company. Lets see how you like being on the other side of an azz kicking.

Anonymous said...

Can hardly wait for the Lying Lagoon this week. Hey, I have an idea. Why don't the lovely (ugh) trio buy the stuggling Lake Worth Herald and Observer with their campaign funds so they can continue to spread their propaganda and lies.

Anonymous said...

The low trio dragged the city into another lawsuit? What's the lawsuit based on? Or are you referring to yet another frivolous lawsuit one the best commissioners ever filed? You all are blaming them for that lawsuit too? Desperation.
Maxwell's opponent celebrates when cops are killed. Is that the trio's fault too?

Ruth said...

"Low Trio"- I like that.

Vote them out March 15th.

Anonymous said...

These people need to be voted out, and right, change the guard, and start with all new honest people on all city boards too. It is so sad and a sin what this trio and rice has done in our city. Despicable, I do not know how they sleep at night or can even look at themselves in the mirror, how disgraceful they all are. So sad for our great city by the sea. Thank you Lynn for exposing the truth about these goons.

pissed said...

Lynn, thank you, thank you, thank you! I applaud you for caring and sharing the truth, your love for this city is so evident, I am so proud of you for exposing the truth and being honest. I remember many years ago when Romano was mayor and I spoke and told he and the commission, I am speaking about this matter because I care and love this city. So many forget about that, if we didn't care, we would not speak out or speak the truth. Thank you for caring and exposing the truth and being honest and loving the City of Lake Worth. What you do for this city is so much more than these losers have done in all the years in office. They are greedy, corrupt, and only care about themselves. Thank you for all you do for Lake Worth, thanks for caring enough do do what is right. You are the best! THANK YOU! God bless you always!

Lynn Anderson said...

I try and i thank you. I get so many negative comments from that side of politics that it is nice to get a positive! :)

Anonymous said...

Just got a BS piece of dung from the low trio in the mail. It was paid for by something called the Changing Florida's Future PC out of Tallahassee.It features the three Siamese twins, Andy ,Pam and Scott. These three have raised more than 20,000 EACH,so why do they have to appear together on a single flier?
Here is what they said is their "to-do list" that the thre HAVE-NOT-DONE in almost five years!
1.Strong partnership with PBSO- well duhhh ! We pay over one million per month to PBSO.Who the hell else are we going to have police our city? The Keebler elves?
2.Afordable utility rates. Mandated by law,not the choice of these three. Scott Maxwell completely lies about us being the 4th most affordable in the state. Scott, if you were going to pull a BS number out of your azz,couldn't you have made us number one?
3.Ok-sit down for this one-the low trio actually says they want to fix our pot holes. Again,5 years of these three and basic road repairs are on their TO-DO LIST ??? WTF ???
4, And lastly ,and the most sick joke on this piece of crap, Pam Triolo,Andy Amoroso and Scott Maxwell actually have the balls to say they want to "preserve the small town charm of Lake Worth".I know. Somewhere an angel is actually barfing . Can you blame them ?

Anonymous said...

The Keebler elves are barfing too

Anonymous said...

is that andy at 24yrs old

Anonymous said...