Friday, April 3, 2015

A little clarification for a "confused" Pelican--An admitted reader of Lynn's Little Bit of Trivia, editor Mark Easton of the Lake Worth Herald, was confused after reading the comment below posted on March 20. Sometimes when articles are read early in the day, they make more sense. I suggest that Mark Easton, try again.

Anonymous said...
"But, Dee seems like a pretty hateful person based on her Facebook posts, there is a lot of hateful language on there so perhaps she might say something like that."

There are a hell of a lot of people in this city that might be considered "hateful", Anon. Does that mean that they should be smeared via a second-hand comment? Was the employee lying? Where they told what to say about Ms. Macnamara in order to keep their job? Where they telling the truth? No one will ever know. And NO ONE can ever take back the words written by the editor of the Herald. I have it on very good authority that so and so is a drunk. I have it on very good authority that so and so likes under aged boys. I have it on very good authority that so and so cheats on his wife. This is now the new format and standard for reporting of the Lake Worth herald? Pitiful. Katie Mcgiveron

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