Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Code and Crime - Lake Worth

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Keep your eyes peeled for this guy. He will steal anything not nailed down. He goes by the a/k/a Batman because of the tattoo on his forehead. When you see him he probably will be wearing a bandana or a cap pulled low on his forehead. He lives in the Orange Grove Trailer Park on 6th Avenue South.

Last night I attended the ROLOH Neighborhood Association meeting. PBSO said that this neighborhood has had 10 burglaries in the last month. President Robert Waples said, "We boast that we have less crime in the City however as crime goes up, so will ours....with that said, let's be diligent on reporting suspicious behavior and be the ones that make the call! Guns are not necessarily a bad thing in the right hands but before anyone goes out and buys a gun to "feel safe," ask yourself a few questions....Do I know how to use a fire arm? Am I willing to discharge my fire arm?"

Our Code Departments has 7 code investigators, 3 staff members plus the Director, Raquel Diaz, the largest staff it has had in years. They hired a new magistrate and Special Magistrate hearings are held on the last Thursday of the month. May 30th at 9am will be the next magistrate meeting.  Try to attend.

Waters and Waples

Last night, William Waters and two code officers attended the meeting to discuss the problems and the awesome job they have with all the violations in our city. City Manager Bornstein has told them to tackle the life-threatening situations first. That means that boat and trailer on your neighbors front lawn (lawn that is a mile high), will be on the back burner even though all these situations bring down the neighborhood and property values and have a snow-balling effect. Still report them.

Not only should you be pro-active and perhaps talk to your neighbor and inform him of the law when you notice a violation but report it to your neighborhood association president. Perhaps a group can talk to that one owner who is causing the infraction. If nothing works, report it to Code Enforcement. They will investigate any violation if there are 3 or more complaints in one month. The more personally you get involved may actually shorten the length of time to clean up this city that was optimistically  estimated at 4 to 5 years per Mr. Waters.

Code Enforcement and the Sheriff work hand in hand in many cases. Because of so many code violations in our city, they breed more crime. As Robert said, "A knock and a talk can be the first defense in solving an issue." He also has his non-profit group that helps in painting and fixing up houses for those who have difficulty. His efforts are not relegated to just his neighborhood but Lake Worth and neighboring towns. If you know of someone in your neighborhood who might need some help, contact Robert.


Anonymous said...

losers- drugs dealers are the biggest problem in lake worth start with *** south palmway--this address was given over 5 years ago--and he is a drug dealer for over 15 years----the police have this address and he the drug dealer drives a light blue shooter around town---the police like capt silva has done nothing with this drug dealer who have info for a long time like dylan harrison

Anonymous said...

No wonder he wears a bandana.

MB said...

I've said these comments so many times it becomes tedious.

On record, the government controls the manufacture and distribution of drugs from places like Afghanistan.

The military oversees the transport of the drugs to US, Britain, and Russian mostly kids.

The bailed-put banks profit from the money.

The police and the gangs work together to "keep the drug trade in the 'undesirable' areas in Lake Worth"

You are a designated drug territory. Nothing is going to change that.

We just don't want your drugs in our nice white neighborhoods and the gov knows that.


Anonymous said...

Code is a bunch of bull, they could care less about the life/safety issues. They would rather focus their time and energy on inspecting rentals that have already been inspected so they can charge you a fee. If you are already in the system, they know you will comply and fork over the money. Put your foot down that inspection are only allowed every two years and they will bring a wasteful code complaint against you, even if you have a rental, business and use and occupancy license.

Call about the property where the drug dealing and prostitution is going on in the vacant property, where crimes are committed, they could care less, they won't even respond when there is a murder, a murder and still no open code complaint on this property.