Usually you think of the "good" guys wearing white. In this case, we should question what is going on regarding two important issues that affect our city: portable trailer units on Dixie Highway for the charter school and people coming into our city breaking our laws and renting out houses short-term. As typical, the public is kept in the dark.
Tuesday night the chamber was packed and many were lawyers for the above causes who want to get their way in Lake Worth--the Charter School with trailers on Dixie highway and those who bought houses and opened them up as a commercial enterprise in residential neighborhoods against our ordinance. They both have picked apart our rules and zoning and feel they have the right to do whatever.
The Academy for "Positive" Learning was on the Agenda but was postponed. I keep the name "positive" in quotes because these people agreed to remove those portables in 16 months. Now they have no intention of doing so. It was obvious that the mayor was briefed on the subject prior to the meeting and she gave an explanation that two weeks ago they were ONLY there to vote on the community appearance of the trailers--that they got side-tracked, etc. She said that they had new information so the item was being tabled, never telling us what the new information was. You got that funny feeling by the look on her face that whatever new information they had favored the school and maybe its portables. Our attorney, at the break, was talking jovially with the lawyers who represented the Academy who all seemed confident.
Vacation rentals had been pulled off the agenda as our attorney, Glen Torcivia, said that he had been in communication with the attorneys for the Consortium of Vacation Rentals and their attorneys. This item is being delayed for 60 days. The commission allowed the public to speak to the issue even though it was NOT on the agenda and no motion had been made. Protocol and rules don't even apply to the Commission. We had to sit there and listen to an attorney giving us the reason why they want to continue to do what they want to do. We had to listen, once again, to one of the owners who has rallied her troops to get her way and she's not shy about it.
Legally, it seems, anyone can challenge anything and get his way in Lake Worth. He can be the biggest flim flam man who ever hit the town and the commission votes to give him $1.6 million. Are we that impotent as a city? How long has this city been working on zoning and LDR's and all the ordinances that affect the quality of life we have here?
I still cannot understand why you did not speak against vac. rentals. Of course it was not on the agenda, but thats a lame excuse. You collected dozens of comments against but was silent.
I do not want night by night rentals next door to me. Portables are not permanent structures. Katie Mcgiveron
There are meetings where I don't speak on any issue as I write about them, which in my opinion, is more effective. I didn't speak to it the first time two weeks ago either. How much more is there to say about it? I have no desire to dominate the lectern speaking on everything that comes up. I speak out in the written form and have no ego to fulfill.
Thanks for asking this again and of course, calling me "lame." If you read this blog, you would understand my feelings on this matter of speaking to something to which there was no motion and therfore a total waste of breath.
Thanks so much Lynn for your website. Your blog is the only real outlet for us int he public to have a say sometimes. It seems almost like our elected officials just do not care or listen to us at all. I am very disappointed with our elected ones and new CM, we just are not seeing results and things seem to be slipping and getting worse. There is no code enforcement and police just are not in the places they need to be. The slum and blight issues seem to be getting worse again. The elected say they are doing the best they can and their hands are tied, they do nothing, what is left? They do not listen to us and when you speak out they treat you like you are the bad guy for bringing up the issues. Thanks for your blog and outlet, especially your honesty, thanks for all you do for our city, I wish you would run for mayor or city comm. You are the best!
And what about the dumping on the landfill, has that just disappeared too?
This commission passes the buck again. What have they voted on since being in office? They like to take credit for things like the new beach project finishing but what have they passed besides raising the height from 40' to 65'?
Regarding vacation rentals, it is unfortunate that the City has not enforced its rules over the years and that certain people have invested money and time to create lovely weekly rentals in the down town corridor. I honestly have no problem with the rental cottages that are right outside of downtown, but you can't change the rules for her and not expect vacation rentals by the night or week in a single family neighborhood, which I don't want. If you are going to run a business the onus is on you to know the rules and abide by them. She should have investigated the laws and been aware that she was in violation of same before she made her investment. If she was aware of the rules then she took a risk and well risks have risks.
9:28 when there is a motion minds are made up and its to late for speaking to do any good.
Not necessarily anonymous at 9:32. Often a 2nd is given in order to open discussion...
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