Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Senate still debating redistricting

Jeff Clemens was going to give us a presentation last night at City Hall on all the Legislative Updates. He postponed his appearance as the Florida Senate was debating the redistricting. This is the Senate's last attempt to draw a map and get it fair for all concerned.

If you recall, The Supreme Court rejected the Senate map but the House map was approved.

The Florida Constitution requires staggered terms and elections in years with numbers that are multiples of four -- such as 2012 – for legislators in odd-numbered districts. In a reapportionment year, however, every district must have an election, so half the districts get a two-year term while the other half get a four-year term. Some will be winners, others losers. Also, there is a residency requirement. Clemens is considering running for the Florida Senate.

Read more at Senate continues redistricting debate.

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