Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Campaign Game

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We have seen it time and time again in national politics as well as in Lake Worth--candidates with their smut, their lies, their exaggerations, their smears. We had a long time commissioner, Retha Lowe, who was fined for violating election law. She eventually did not seek re-election. There has been little to no reaction to these sorts of tactics and it is about time that it all changes. Candidates all need to clean up their acts.

Today the Post featured Commissioner Marlene Ross (my former cousin-in-law) of Boynton Beach who agreed to pay $1,500 to the Florida Elections Commission for sending out mailers against her opponent, Donald Scantlan, in the last election that were proven to be untrue. She won her election by 7 votes. This just shows you how important it is to get out and vote. This also shows that a candidate can do or say just about anything and nothing will happen to him but being fined a couple of bucks. You're not thrown out of office. You don't have to be accountable. You don't have to be honest. You don't have to have any integrity. It is an endless game and a dishonest one with only one goal in mind--winning.

Winning is the name of the game. Most candidates just want to do what Marlene did--win-- the hell with their own personal record. Attack mailers full of lies and pretending that what they do is just part of the game with no consequences is much more fun. We in the public must demand better. We in the public should never look aside but express our opinion at the polls.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to say Commissioner Ross should be thrown out of office!Seven votes and she, shameful behavior and all, is in - her dishonor is showing.

Anonymous said...

If the infraction was THAT egregious, the ethics commission would have recommended that she be thrown out of office or at least brought her up on charges. Was the lie something like "they are going to build a hotel on our beach" or "they are planning to build condos on Snook Island" or of the "have you stopped beating your wife" variety?

Context would be helpful.

Is your beef with her winning by seven votes and only because more tan seven voters changed their vote because of the lie?

Lynn Anderson said...

Anonymous--check with the Florida Election Commission. They said she lied and lied enough to fine her significantly. A lie is a lie. There is no such thing as just a little lie, a medium sized lie or one gigantic lie. PERIOD. She said that her opponent wanted to raise the fire assessment by 30%; raise other user fees and taxes; raise solid waste fees; reduce or eliminate streetlight fees. These were all proven to be lies.
Thanks for your question.

Anonymous said...

The state Elections Commission does not recommend someone being removed from office. It is totally out of their pervue.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:44 name anyone who ever sent out a mailer saying that condos would be built on Snook Islands. Years ago the suggestion was to build a hotel on the beach. That is not far fetched but give me the candidate who used it in a mailer about their opponent.

Lynn Anderson said...

People are sick of negative campaigning. It is very unfortunate that when someone resorts to this sort of thing, there will be a percentage of voters who will believe the lie. Once it's out there, it is impossible to fight and turn it all around. In most cases, it is too late to do anything about it. By the time you file a complaint, the election is over and all you can do is hurt them a little in the pocketbook which is paid from left over contributions in many cases. It is totally unfair and sleazy politics.

Anonymous said...

Do you consider someone campaigning on lowering utility rates when the rates in fact went up, or saving the casino when it in fact was knocked down a liar, unfit to be in office? These are both lies.

Anonymous said...

You mean sleazy like trying to get people fired because you don't agree with them?

Anonymous said...

Are you talking about Scott Maxwell and what he did to Stanton? That wasn't sleazy. That was bully politics from someone who did not like or understand trans and even convinced a gay guy to go along.

Lynn Anderson said...

Anonymous at 2:00.
Both of those statements are true but need further explanation. Now if you need some in-depth explanation about them both, call me. I would be happy to chat with you on the subjects.

Anonymous said...

You must have been a good teacher, before you became her Ex.