The purpose of this letter is to respectfully ask that you please consider making a run for the Presidency of the United States of America in 2012. I have been a huge fan of yours since seeing the video of your American Freedom Tour speech in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in late-2009. My only regret is that I was not there to see you in-person. I have watched your speech numerous times and have shared it with all of my conservative friends, family members, and business colleagues (multiple times). I have seen a number of your appearances on television news shows and I watched your recent CPAC speech, also. Although I reside in Florida, unfortunately, I do not live in your Congressional district.
Like you, and like a great many of our fellow Americans, I believe that our nation is in deep trouble; we are sitting on the precipice. The electorate was duped in 2008 by a slick-talking snake-oil salesman that had nothing on his resume except “law professor” and “community organizer”. We saw a candidate that had sat in a church and listened to sermons by Rev. Jeremiah Wright and we were disgusted by what we saw. President Obama was elected on his mantra of “hope and change”. What we received was a steeper slide (correction: a plunge) into the pit of nanny-state mentality. The health care bill that was rammed down the throats of the American people early last year using political chicanery and back-room, closed-door dealings is the nanny state’s crowning achievement – an achievement that left a vile taste in the mouths of a majority of the citizens.
My greatest fear is that in the coming twelve months, leading up to the first presidential primaries, we are going to see a cadre of potential Republican candidates of the same caliber as John McCain. Not necessarily “bad” individuals, but bad candidates. Being a staunch fiscal conservative, none of the names mentioned as viable candidates excites me. Even with the country mired in the economic doldrums, I believe that it is going to require a principled, true conservative to unseat President Obama. It is going to take someone with your fire, your drive, and, above all, your principles to motivate those on the right to get out and vote. This was, in my opinion, Senator McCain’s downfall and the reason that Obama won in 2008.
I fear for my country in nearly every aspect – economically, culturally, and militarily. I feel that a large percentage of the citizenry has lost its motivation – its drive to excel and to succeed, hence the rise of the “nanny state” as epitomized by Obamacare. It has been proven time and again over the centuries that the nanny state cannot succeed. When the takers outnumber the givers, something has to give (please pardon the play on words). I feel that our standing in the world has been compromised by our immense debt as well as by a foreign policy of making apologies for past actions of our country. When other nations experience a natural disaster, America never fails to lead the charge. The United States has helped to bring the shining light of liberty to millions that once lived in the darkness of tyranny. I see absolutely NO reason for America to apologize to the world for ANYTHING; and I resent a president that has done just that.
It is going to take a dynamic, principled, motivated (and motivational) individual to lead us out of this morass and I honestly believe that YOU, sir, are that individual.
Please consider this letter as a plea – a plea to help to save our Republic. I would consider it an honor to work on your behalf and do hereby pledge work tirelessly for you if you decide to throw your hat in the ring.
God bless you and God bless America.
James Sharp
1 comment:
I think that he could be a good choice in time. Let's see what he can achieve as a congressman first.
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