Friday, January 21, 2011

Request for Lake Worth Casino Variances goes before Lake Worth Planning & Zoning Board

P&Z Project Number 10-00000001
Lake Worth Beach and Casino

Redevelopment: Consideration of a request by Michael Spruce, P.E. and David DeYoung, AICP/Kimley Horn, Agent for the City of Lake Worth, owner of the Beach and Casino (BAC) property located at 10 South Ocean Blvd.

Parcel numbers: 38-43-44-26-00-001-0010 and 38-43-44-26-00-001-0020. The subject property is located in the BAC zoning district. The request is for Site Plan review providing for redevelopment of the subject parcels and for the following Variances from Section 23.18A.02.01B of the Lake Worth Zoning Code:

• Variance from: East 75-foot Setback for Buildings (from 75-ft to 60-ft)
• Variance from: East 45-foot Setback for Ancillary Uses (from 45-ft to 0-ft)
• Variance from: North 200-foot Setback for Buildings (from 200-ft to 105-ft)

With one of the normal suspects from the public trying to derail this project, all three variance requests passed the Planning & Zoning Board with no dissenters.

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