Sunday, January 23, 2011

We have all Come a Long Way

**YouTube video removed because of copyright**

The first African Americans came to this country in 1619 as indentured servants. Black men got the right to vote directly after the Civil War. The 15th Amendment to the Constitution gave all male citizens the right to vote in 1870. In 1920, all women got the right to vote under the 19th Amendment. However, the vast majority of blacks did not vote until the vigorous Civil Rights Act of 1964 that brought the 15th Amendment into the 20th Century.

Today we have a Black President and here in Florida the people voted in Col. Allen West. We have all come a long way. The voters did not care about the color of the candidate's skin. The media continues to point out that these great leaders are black. Until we all get over judging people by the color of their skin, we still have a way to go.

“All people know the same truth; our lives consist of how we choose to distort them.”
Woody Allen


Anonymous said...

I like Allen West a lot. Don't know a thing about the other two here but it was an impressive video.

Anonymous said...

yes, we all have come a long way but you and your friends are racists when it comes to undocumented workers in our city.
Acorn is not a nut.