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While professing not to have a concrete plan just yet, House Speaker, Republican Dean Cannon said yesterday that his Chamber would make an effort this year to strengthen the Legislature’s hand in proposing changes to Florida’s constitution.
Cannon wants some law and order in the Florida Supreme Court...on property taxes, health insurance and redistricting.
This is hubris of the 10th magnitude. These efforts are really dangerous.
This is called “paving the way to have ‘their’ way”…to prevent Citizens’ efforts once again to participate in having a true ‘voice’ in Florida’s Growth Management, Environment, Natural Resources or whatever makes Florida’s quality of life sacred in lieu of selling it off to those who only see $$$. When You speak of ‘voting out’…geez! They were just ‘voted in’….via the power of the Florida Chamber of Commerce who trained them, & blasted your television sets with expensive campaigns. Those supported by the Chamber handed them the agenda to follow…wake up! There is a Big Business cult among us that hides behind the cloak of ’small businesses’ in control of Florida’s future…follow the money of the Chamber of Commerce in who it supports in politics, and who their lobbyist smooze.
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