Monday, January 17, 2011

Quote of the Day - Union Executive, Seddon

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Following the City's Holiday Lunch, the Mayor and Commission received the following message from executive Director Jack Seddon representing two of our local Unions--(PMSA/PEU) Employee's, and Professional Manager & Supervisor's:

"To all you Scrooges -
Merry Christmas to one and all - if you don't feel guilty for your lack of integrity you all ought to at the very least "chip in" and pay your employees bills. At the very least give them a damn turkey or ham - or a chicken to deliver daily eggs. Remember Tiny Tim. (not that you would).

What a worthless bunch you collectively are."

The ONLY turkey here is Mr. Seddon.


Anonymous said...

these unions just never get enough. I say ENOUGH of the unions.

Lynn Anderson said...

Mr. Seddon wants us, the taxpayer, to feel guilty--about what? The fact that these employees 1) have a job and 2) get paid very well and 3) get retirement and benefits. They are protected by the Unions even when they do NOT perform. I never got a retirement from any company. In fact, the last corporation I was with did not even match any money in their 401(k) Plan. I do not feel sorry for anyone who works for a city, county, state or federal government. You all are paid well...much higher than the private sector and you get fabulous benefits paid for by us.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. What Seddun said is crass.