Top Lake Worth Stories 2011
The political firing of Susan Stanton after her 32 months on the job
The November election changed the dais because of a mysterious "vision" as well as vicious politics.
Fire Assessment (grabbing the cash) controversy...still un-resolved.
The Casino construction begins
The Shuffleboard court building returns to the City of Lake Worth and Mentoring Center kicked out
The CRA begins spending the NSP2 grant money of $23 million that it got in 2010.
Publix opens new store--A grand affair--the City had to make a big deal out of this in order to justify the 1/2 million dollars the CRA gave to Publix.
Top comments in 2011
"Look, Live and Learn." Commissioner McVoy
"I am disappointed Commissioner Maxwell. This is personal." Commissioner Suzanne Mulvehill in talking to Maxwell about his motion to fire the city manager.
"The fire assessment is fair but I will be voting against it." Mayor Waterman
" The 15 individuals who live on the blogs are going to complain. I'm not responsive to the 15 individuals who complain on the blogs everyday. There are 34,865 other people out there." Mayor Rachel Waterman
Comments I liked in 2011
"If we spend money on something does it have value? Look for the value." Commissioner McVoy
"I feel unappreciated right now." Mr. Banting of Anderson & Carr on not finding tenants for our casino
"I had to clean another toilet today." Susan Stanton

No one else came close to him in attitude, demeanor and for his overall bullying of the city manager and undermining her at every opportunity. It was like one sick game played in real time twice a month. As the City moved forward in its policy direction, Maxwell fought the city manager at every turn. He chose his battles and voted with the old commission over 95% of the time. Even though he loved the "free lunch," he only voted "no" on the Budget as well as on financial issues involving the Casino. He constantly complained about not getting the back-up to the Agenda in a timely fashion and mentioned his displeasure in anyone putting something on the agenda at the last minute. He changed his top priority from code enforcement and eliminating slum and blight to the Park of Commerce development and for the approval of a plan to spend $11.05 million dollars over 15 years at today's value. He changed our beach from a beach/park destination to a bar focus caring only about the price per s.f. He wanted open and transparent government. As the City was finally working its way step by step out of the black hole, Maxwell pulled away the ladder and fired the city manager by putting the matter on the agenda at the last minute, never giving one reason for the manager's termination. Even though he was holding the majority vote, he was unsure of his ability to lead the city manager. He even attempted to stifle public commentary on the issue. Many of his "speeches" were right out of the Republican Play Book.
Top hypocritical political comments in 2011
"We need thoughtful and measured leadership." Scott Maxwell
"My heart is heavy...I had my own vision...but also the hopes and dreams of the people who joined me..just ask my husband...over this weekend...I value everyone's opinion but as my husband will tell you I was saddened over this weekend...there is still so much distrust and anger...I'm not so sure that the vision is the vision of the people." Mayor Pam Triolo as she votes to fire the city manager.
"Second." Commissioner Andy Amoroso
Top "Academy Award" Comment in 2011
"I only entered the race because Waterman did not have an opponent." Dustin Zacks
Top Political Mistake in 2011
Rachel Waterman's duck and run, refusing to attend anymore candidate forums because of the personal Zack attacks at the TRNA forum.
Top Political Stick it in your Face tactic in 2011
Rene Varela's resignation and price for democracy cost the city over $50,000
List your favorites.