Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Sunset 9-24-24

The shifting landscape of mail-in voting is becoming apparent in crucial swing states as we approach the 2024 presidential elections.

According to Breitbart, Democrat mail-in ballot requests in states such as Florida, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania have seen a significant decline.

In Florida, a notable drop has been registered in mail-in ballot requests among Democrats. In the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election, over a million requests were filed by Democrats. Comparatively, data pertinent to the upcoming 2024 election shows the number dwindled to just 77,077 requests.

Mail-in ballots won 2020!

Good Night, Patriots!


Lynn Anderson said...

For the first time in my life, I voted mail-in for the Primary and will again for the general election.

Forward thinker. said...

I will be out of the country during the election. I requested a mail in ballot also.

Anonymous said...

The Palm Beach Republican Party is urging Republicans to get an absentee ballot whether you plan to go to the polls or not. If you decide to vote in person then you would have the absentee ballot to do whatever with.

Lynn Anderson said...

@5:31...if you get a vote by mail and do not use it but would rather go to the polls, you can do that/ BUT you can't do "whatever" with the absentee ballot. It will be checked at the polling place when you register. In other words, you can NOT vote twice.

Anonymous said...

You better let the Palm Beach GOP know, because that's what they're urging their voters to do.

Lynn Anderson said...

@7:42...Prove it. I just told you the facts.

Lynn Anderson said...

I have contacted the PB GOP for an official statement regarding your charge.

Lynn Anderson said...

The Republican Party of Palm Beach County just answered the question: "The mail in ballot is cancelled if they choose to vote in person. Requesting one is to be sure no one else requests it in your name to a different mailing address which would result in fraud and you not being able to cast your vote except as a provisional.
Sent from my iPhoneX, Jane P