Sunday, September 22, 2024

Our Border Crisis - People fed up

New York Residents Beg Trump to Come Back, Solve Out-of-Control Illegal Immigration

"Donald Trump is making waves in blue states, and voters are listening.

Despite what the mainstream media might tell you, people in deep-blue areas are fed up. And Trump? He’s taking full advantage of their frustrations.

As he ramps up his campaign for 2024, Trump is focusing on states like New York and California—places the Democrats have long taken for granted.

The former president knows these voters are suffering under failed Democratic leadership, and he’s not afraid to call it out. High taxes, rising crime, and unchecked illegal immigration are wreaking havoc in these states, and Trump is positioning himself as the only one who can fix it."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praying he wins but they will probably cheat!