Friday, September 27, 2024

Biden on the Trump hate-filled, The View

Biden Pretends to Kill It in Shocking Moment Live on Air

Former President Donald Trump’s safety has been in peril after two recent assassination attempts. However, instead of de-escalating the situation, the Democrats, led by President Joe Biden, are only fueling the fire with their constant attacks and rhetoric against Trump.

This was evident in Biden’s appearance on Wednesday’s episode of “The View,” where he sat with a panel of liberals who were engaging in their usual Trump-bashing fiesta. Host Whoopi Goldberg went as far as to compare Trump to a bug, making buzzing sounds and portraying him as an insect that wouldn’t go away.

Biden, seemingly oblivious to the gravity of his actions, responded by smacking his hand down on the table as if he was killing the “bug.” The audience cheered in response, showcasing their ignorance and approval of such heinous behavior.

It is disturbing that the president himself would participate in and condone such actions. Despite two recent attempts on Trump’s life, Biden seemed to revel in the symbolism of killing him like a bug. This behavior, coming from the leader of the country, is not only shocking but also completely unacceptable.

It showcases the left’s true intentions of escalating tensions and inciting violence against Trump.

Read more about the true basket of deplorables

Anyone who watches this show needs their head examined as they are not brainwashed; they have no brain.


Anonymous said...

cant stand that show full of hateful old hags like Woopie and Joy Behar. Does anyone really watch it other than the brain dead?

Lynn Anderson said...

Whoopie Goldberg and the ladies on The View are confused about where fingers should be pointing. Horrible people.

Anonymous said...

They are all evil slaves for Satan, God will handle them in due time, ABC should be ashamed as a network to allow such a show and actions, that is why I won't watch them anymore, I am doing a bad review of them too, a true disgrace to humanity!

Anonymous said...

biden just showed he is guilty in these assassination attempts, he will go to hell along with whoopi and the haters!

Lynn Anderson said...

@6:11...we don't get do though. We just hate liars, globalists, Marxists. Biden jokes? He IS the joke right along with his side-kick, Kamala Harris. STOP THE INVASION.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the guy who is going around saying that people are eating dogs and cat and pets in Ohio is pretty damn hilarious. The world is laughing at him and his supporters. Americans are, too.

Anonymous said...

Don't let your profound hate prevent you from getting into Heaven! Hate is the problem! Get some Jesus!

Lynn Anderson said...

Actually, the world is laughing at the Biden/Harris duo...the worse administration in America's history as they allow criminals, terrorists and enemy countries to pound us..

Anonymous said...

Boycott ABC! Vote for President Trump!

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:08am--Never watch alphabet networks...only watch FOX and Newsmax for news.

Anonymous said...

Rav, NTD, and Oan all great too free over TV or streaming. I too won't watch legacy or cable news anymore, I do like NewsMax and Greg Kelly is the best!