Friday, September 15, 2023

Biden Family's Culture of Corruption

McCarthy Unleashes Explosive Evidence for Biden Impeachment Inquiry

In a seismic political move, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has declared the launch of an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden, unveiling a staggering six allegations that have led to this pivotal decision.

  • Biden’s alleged deception of the American public regarding his knowledge of his family’s foreign business dealings
  • Bank records showing nearly $20 million in payments directed to Biden family members and associates through various shell companies
  • 150 transactions involving the Biden family that were flagged as suspicious by U.S. banks
  • Allegations both the president and his son received bribes of $5 million each
  • Biden allegedly using his official office to coordinate with Hunter Biden’s business partners about Hunter’s role in Burisma
  • Biden administration offering special treatment to the president’s family despite the serious allegations against them

Overall, the accusations of abuse of power, obstruction, and corruption.

Read all the scurrilous details...

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