Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Major Corruption within the FBI in 2020 Election

FBI Granted Twitter Execs ‘Top Secret’ Clearance And Paid Them $3.4 MILLION To Censor Hunter Biden Laptop Story Before Election

Imagine, if you can, if the FBI had been caught paying a media company to squash a bombshell story about Donald Trump before the 2020 election. It would be a scandal of monumental proportions that would get media coverage around the clock on every mainstream media outlet, and rightfully so.

But when the tables are turned it’s a non-story. Not a peep from the media.

Despite the lack of any proof of a purported Russian “disinformation” operation, the FBI collaborated with the intelligence community to exert pressure on Twitter and other social media and news outlets to censor the New York Post’s revelations about Joe Biden’s knowledge of his family’s influence-peddling operation.


You can't get much more corrupt than this...government defying democracy by using taxpayer money against its own citizens to bring down the President of the United States.

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