Monday, December 19, 2022

Democrats' Desperation

Trump’s Future in Office in Jeopardy?

only if Democrats have their way as House Democrat Introduces New Legislation

Rep. David Cicilline, Democrat from Rhode Island, "introduced legislation to bar former President Trump from holding future federal office under the 14th Amendment. This bill has been proposed in response to the events of January 6th, 2021, when Trump incited a violent insurrection at the Capitol.

The 14th Amendment states that no one who previously took an oath to support the Constitution and engaged in “insurrection or rebellion” shall “hold any office, civil or military, under the United States.”

Dems believe that Trump encouraged the protesters to enter the Capitol. He didn't. And on top of that, the Senate in February 2021 acquitted Donald Trump in a 57-43 vote on the charge of inciting insurrection for his role in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

Dems are desperate.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

I don't think Trump will have to worry about being in the White House again.

Lynn Anderson said...

Perhaps not. But his supporters are standing behind him if he chooses to continue with a campaign.

Anonymous said...

It's always about me me me Donald Trump being sued.. being in front of grand juries.. still saying he had nothing to do with all these hotels while he was president but he sure was staying at him quite a bit Bill and taxpayers die millions and millions of dollars it could have stayed at the Ritz-Carlton like Barack Obama did but nope he has to stay at one of his properties and make money off the taxpayers

Lynn Anderson said...

@7:02 Do you have any idea what the H you are talking about?
He charged the government for the secret service protection at cost...never made a dime off of it.