Monday, November 14, 2022

Let's have one day to Vote

Noted pollster calls for votes to be counted on 'Election Day'

Federal law calls for an "Election Day" but contemporary election managers – and politicians – have turned it into an election week, or election month.

It's happening again this year, as the votes from Tuesday's election still are being counted across multiple states.

While it appears that the Republican Party may have the majority in the new Congress, that's not certain.

In a report at Just the News, pollster Scott Rasmussen said, "One of the 80% issues, and there aren't a whole lot of 80% issues in America – one of them is that all ballots should be in by Election Day. We should know the results on Election Day."

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

I'm for anything that allows more people to vote as long as it's secure. One reason that votes are taking so long to be counted is that there are a lot of red states that have passed laws that don't allow mail-ins to be counted before Election Day. If they want faster results, start counting the votes earlier. Seems pretty simple.

Lynn Anderson said...

Name the red states that are the culprits holding up the counts in our 50 states, not 58 as Biden has claimed.

Anonymous said...

"The process is drastically different in a minority of states, including key election battlegrounds such as Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. In those states, election workers are, with few exceptions, prohibited from opening mail ballots before Election Day. Election officials in these states have begged their state legislatures for increased flexibility over the past few years and have been repeatedly rebuffed, including by many legislators who criticized slow counting in 2020 or backed claims that the vote count showed evidence of fraud. Only in Michigan did some cities successfully convince their legislature to allow any processing before Election Day. But even in those rare cases, the time permitted is far less than election officials asked for (just two days before Election Day), and the change came too late for many cities to implement it by the 2022 election. As a result of these legislative failures, state officials in each of these three states are warning voters that counting may go on for at least a day or two after polls close."