Sunday, November 27, 2022

CNN now against our Constitution?

CNN analyst declares that freedom of speech is 'nonsense'

claims Elon Musk's new Twitter empowers Vladimir Putin and is 'destructive to American national security'

Can anyone ever take CNN seriously?

A CNN analyst aspersed the freedom of speech as "nonsense," and claimed that Vladimir Putin and Russia will be "all over Twitter" dispersing disinformation to the entire they weren't before?

CNN Newsroom" host Boris Sanchez asked intelligence analyst Robert Baer to provide advice to the Tesla and SpaceX CEO on how to lead Twitter, and the CNN analyst somberly replied, "I'd say this Libertarian nonsense is destructive to American national security. And he has got to reinstitute the same restrictions that were on Twitter before he bought it. There's no other choice."

Read more about it


Anonymous said...

I don't know how you can argue with that statement.

If John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were alive today, they would just put the lights out.

You can't reconcile the Constitution with what goes on in social media.

So everybody agrees that social media is the devil, and you say: Give the devil free rein!

Lynn Anderson said...

It is always worth listening to or trying to understand both opposing perspectives of a given situation. Social Media has blocked conservative opinion. Elon is reinstating "free speech."

Dan Volker said...

Social Media has become the largest and most Primary form of Speech for THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
It has dramatically more Impact and Import on the American People than the MAIN Stream News can possibly have-- as Social Media is OUR SPEECH.
It can not be limited by political or special interests groups...Anyone that thinks Twitter or Facebook SHOULD Decide what each of us can say and that they have the right to control our speech-- is an Enemy of America...
Anyone that tells you that your dont have the right to free speech should be seen as filth.