Tuesday, November 22, 2022

We need to fight for Electoral Freedom

How the Game is Fixed

Imagine a Super Bowl where the Reds were ahead 27-25 with a minute to go. All of a sudden, the power went out in the entire stadium. When the lights came on after a couple minutes of chaos, fans noticed the scoreboard showed 27-29.

Anyone witnessing such an event would be beyond outraged. Sports are supposed to be about “may the best team win,” and referees and officials are supposed to be neutral. Videotape and remote judges are used to evaluate disputed plays.

If people felt the game was fixed, or that officials wouldn't even comment about suspicious activity, then no one would watch professional football again.

So why is it that multiple unusual occurrences in a nationwide election are ignored and voters are expected to just accept the results they are given?

Read more about the fix

Democrats concentrate on certain states. “In 2010, Republicans won the popular vote by 4.8 MM votes and gained 63 seats. In 2022, Republicans won the popular vote by almost 6 MM and only gained 9. Strange, right?


Anonymous said...

Democrats cheat. That is an obvious conclusion.

Anonymous said...

You can't win all the time, MAGA. Sometimes you win big, like you did in Florida. Sometimes you lose some races. But you can't expect to win all races all the time. It's called America. It's called democracy.

What is wrong with you people?

Lynn Anderson said...

@2:10---Nothing wrong with "you people." We believe in honest, fair elections. Democracy is not cheating your way to a win.

Anonymous said...

But if you don't win, it doesn't mean there's "cheating." It just means that people thought the other candidate was better. That's what democracy has always been about. It's about presenting opinions and positions and having voters decide...let the best man or woman win.

Adam Frisch lost to Lauren Boebert by under 1000 votes and he called her, conceded and congratulated her on her win. He didn't make baseless allegations of cheating. He respected the will of the voters.

That's what America is and what she had always been. Until MAGA came along 6 years ago.

Lynn Anderson said...

Yes, it's really deplorable that The Swamp devised methods in which to cheat after the best president ever was elected.

Anonymous said...

If Democrats were actually cheating, would they have lost the House? One cheats to win, not to lose, right?

Americans will always respect the outcome of elections and the will of the American public. It's what sets us apart from other countries. It's one of our founding principles. Those who choose to undermine those principles will never succeed. They will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

I can't be bothered with this silliness. If we are that far gone that we can't trust our elections, then, I guess it's time to take the flag down.

Not to mention the fact that these supposed incidents have taken place in states thousands of miles from here. Let's keep Florida running and let the western states worry about themselves.

Dan Volker said...

Once upon a time we had paper ballots and everyone had to show a form of voter Id...In today's new democrat normal...you dont need to prove who you are (even though you need id proof for driving a car or age proof for buying alcohol)...Voter ID proof makes it harder to commit voter fraud, and apparently democrats see proof as a bad thing.... Then there are the digital voting machines--even though we all know that computers and networks will be hacked whenever the reward is great enough. If you dont believe the last two American elections involved massive fraud...I have to say you either watch too much propaganda on CNN..OR YOU ARE STUPID.

Anonymous said...

Why would you think only Democrats cheat? There has always been corruption in elections, everywhere in the world.

This constant handwringing and accusations of cheating aren't getting us anywhere. I think our state handles elections pretty well, and our state is the only one we have any control over.

We have a good Governor, two Republican Senators, and a plethora of minor officials that are Republican.

I do agree that the old ways were better, but I think that way about technology period. It just makes life needlessly complicated.

Dan Volker said...

What matters in this conversation, is that the Democrat Party controls the mass media with a propaganda machine that has simple-minded people thinking that the News is News---when it is instead, a broadcast of the Democrat narrative on whatever they feel is necessary for the masses to believe, without thought, without argument. Those that disagree with the narrative are to be shouted down and canceled. This is fact, and this is from Hitler’s playbook, though now more advanced.

What matters is also that the Democrat Party has been fraudulently adding millions of fake votes to the last two elections---and they have had the power to prevent Republicans or neutral third parties to witness key components of the voting and counting process—meaning they have been able to commit fraud without anyone watching.
What matters is by preventing the need for identification, and by driving illegal alien / non-citizens to vote, the Democrats are not getting a vote of the American citizenry—they are getting many Americans, many illegal 3rd world non-citizens, and they are getting some people to stuff ballots of dead people, they are getting ballots turned in from people that do not vote, and potentially millions of people that do not even exist.
This democrat party is the most deceptive and power-hungry group ever to gain power in American Politics, and this party hates American culture and wants it replaced with a one-world government culture – a place where Americans are no different and have no more advantages than the people of any other country.
We say---It is our right to strive, to do better, to work harder, to be more creative, and to grow more assets and wealth -- than others that can not DO what we DO.
I say socialists and globalists are a plague, a sickness, and the right to bear arms is FORTUNATE, as it was placed into the Constitution for EXACTLY the threat America now faces---We are faced with Stolen elections and by an unelected government, a tyrannical government ( ie., Lockdowns to destroy the middle class, forced vaccinations not based on science but instead on Fear and Compliance), and this threat we face may, in fact, one day call for a revolution—a fight where each of us needs guns to protect the America we grew up in.
For the moment, we have DeSantis and Trump and some big voices that may turn this around peacefully----this is my hope.
Frauds of the magnitude committed by the Dems have never been seen before in any of our lifetimes.
This is really Good against Evil, and the republicans, having done much less evil, are today-- the good.