Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Robots to aid San Francisco Police?

San Francisco police consider letting robots use ‘deadly force

The San Francisco Police Department has asked to repurpose its bomb defusing robots with guns and life ammunition, effectively creating killing machines meant to help safeguard the streets of that liberal city.

Next week the issue is set to be raised to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors Rules Committee, reports The Daily Mail, which “will define how the SFPD is allowed to use its military-style weapons.”

Should SFPD’s request be granted, a device known as a PAN disruptor that fires shotgun shells could be attached the bomb robots, which would allow them to fire shotgun shells at suspects without placing a human operator in danger.

Just vote out Democrats and their policies. That would eventually end the madness.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

only in california do these ideas come from.must be some bad smoke out there

Anonymous said...

From doing nothing, to killer robots?

I'm not sure why you are against this. I thought we wanted to be tough on crime. I think they should use them in Chicago.

Lynn Anderson said...

One has to look to the future and what can and will happen. "Removing humans from the targeting decision would create a dangerous world. Machines would make life-and-death determinations outside of human control. The risk of disproportionate harm or erroneous targeting of civilians would increase. No person could be held responsible.
In the wrong hands, we could be controlled by robots. How wild is that?
On December 3, I have a video by Elon on this subject.

Anonymous said...

Elon and all of those tech people are responsible for all of this.

Life was better when you just drove your own car. Nobody needs any of this, it's just to enrich the idiots in the tech world.

Unfortunately, this will only get worse, and the Bozo's on social media, don't even know what day it is.