Friday, November 25, 2022

House to make changes

Inspiring changes at U.S. Capitol as Nancy Pelosi's reign comes to end

'Republicans will start every day of Congress with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance'

What will Democrats think of that?

Opening the Capitol to the public would be “one of the first orders of business,” McCarthy wrote on Twitter. Members of the public may gain access to the galleries through normal procedures as well as obtain tickets from members, a measure that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suspended following the storming of the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021.

McCarthy’s changes have been announced in addition to statements he will remove several Democrats from top standing committees, following House Democrats’ vote to strip Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia of her committee assignments in 2021. The Democrats to be removed are Reps. Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell of California from the Intelligence Committee and Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota from the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Read about the changes... to beginning on January 3. A new Congress begins at noon January 3 of each odd-numbered year following a general election.


Anonymous said...

Congress already starts every day with an invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Why don't you and your so-called patriotic friends do a little research before rushing to the keyboard and regurgitating what some idiot told you?

Lynn Anderson said...

The article said, McCarthy additionally stated that every morning of the House’s proceedings would begin with a prayer as well as the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag, a departure from their intermittent practice under Democrats, according to a post on Facebook. “No exceptions,” he wrote, in relation to the announced measure. 

Lil Ho Hunter said...

The very mention of God to baby murdering Democrats is like sunlight to a vampire.
Remember when they wanted to remove "In God we trust" from our currency?
Couple that with their lies, theft, constant push for sexual perversion, and attacks on all things Christian. It's clear that they are the spawn of Satan.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, Congress is already doing it. I know what the article says. They're already doing it.

McCarthy is not doing anything new and he's convincing people like you that he is so that you'll write about it or talk about it like it was something new. And you follow the script all the time.

Anonymous said...

This Congress needs a lot more than prayers. I remember not too long ago, they were having prayer meetings.

This is all for show, and I don't know who they are trying to impress. The Evangelicals are not stupid, and they are already finished with Trump.

Let's move on. Everybody is entitled to pray in this country, but let's not make a spectacle out of it.

More people are repulsed, than impressed.

Lynn Anderson said...

@5:32. Well, I guess you were in Congress and you know what was going on.
As far as "finished with Trump," you are reading way to much of a Democrat script and you fall for it all of the time.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, Congress bypassed protocol otherwise Mccarthy would not have brought it up.

Anonymous said...
