Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Judge Gives Jen Psaki an Order to testify

After a judge issued her an order

Jen Psaki abandoned the sinking ship known as the Biden regime

She is now making considerably more money to perform the exact same job as regime spokeswoman for the corporate-controlled media.

But Jen Psaki’s transition to TV hit the skids after a judge handed down this order.

The fallout from Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter continues.

One of the bombshells that came to light recently was that the federal government, specifically the Biden regime, pressured Big Tech companies to do its bidding by censoring viewpoints that ran contrary to their official narrative.

Since the Biden regime didn’t want to violate free speech in the open, they simply strong-armed corporations run by their left-wing minions to do it for them.

The Biden White House pressured Twitter to silence spreaders of what they deemed to be COVID “misinformation” – even when it turned out to be true just weeks later – like journalist Alex Berenson, who has done some of the best reporting around on the pandemic.

And a judge has now ordered former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki to testify on the matter.

Read about it...

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