State sends 30,000 non-citizens 30,000 reminders to register to vote
Officials say they don't know what led to 'mistake' RIGHT
Colorado is one of the states that already has moved away from in-person voting and sends ballots to all voters, asking them to return them by mail, in a process that is suspected of being significantly less secure than in-person voting.Secretary of State Jena Griswold, a Democrat, now must send out another notice to these illegals that they are ineligible. Right.
Colorado, now a blue state, is the state that legalized recreational use of marijuana!
Read about this big boo boo.
Our entire government screws up every single day all of our elected are so greedy corrupt and mediocre the absolute worst. Plus they probably did that intentionally with those mail in ballots there's so much corruption in fraud nowadays I do not trust the United States government and most liberal left states and the so-called leaders horrible slaves of Satan!
Your comment was good until you got to the satan part again
Why does everything have to be about Satan with you
Why can't you just say the government stupid and they like to spend taxpayers money on mail and stuff get off the Satan kick
Sounds like you have become a slave yourself! Show some education. Why do you have to be so critical about other people is that what you're here for to be harassing of what other people say on here and how they feel and their opinions? Got any God in you? Go to church!
Romans 8:6-8
The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God.
In the name of Jesus, may Satan be removed from here! Saying some Our Fathers and Hail Marys now, devil be gone!
dont know what you 2 are fighting over.2 sides in this world.GOOD AND EVIL.which are you
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