Friday, September 23, 2022

Lake Worth Woman's Car Stolen with Pets inside

Lake Worth woman has car stolen with 2 dogs inside while at a CVS in Delray Beach

Paige Gemmel lives in Lake Worth but swings by the CVS in Delray for necessities on the way to her kid's school pick-up. Around 3:30 p.m., she popped in for two minutes, which was just long enough for someone to steal her car with her dogs inside.

"I got to the front of the car and it was pulling out and I was so confused and I saw a guy in there and my dogs were just looking at me and I started banging on the car and he kept pulling out and dragging me a little bit," Gemmel said.

She said she left her car running in a Delray Beach CVS parking lot so her dogs could have air conditioning but a thief saw it as an opportunity and the idling Hyundai Santa Fe as his getaway.

"I'm really scared for my dogs… it's a 6-month-old Great Dane named Church he's big though, he's already over a hundred pounds and a Chihuahua named Henry and he's old. He's 12," Gemmel said. Henry has a heart condition and needs his medication. Church is still a puppy and needs to eat regularly. Her plea to the public is to keep their eyes open for the pups.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is only going to get worse in South Florida, so lawless! Pure evil!