Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Democrats: Destroying Democracy and our Country

Whistleblower in NYC Board of Elections Exposes Why Democrats Want Open Borders

"America's demographics have long been a goal of the radical left within the Democratic Party. Their socialist programs are ineffective. That is something they are aware of. To keep power and control of the government, they must manipulate the voter pool. This is the only strategy that will allow them to triumph in elections.

Democrats began by deceiving minorities. To voters who were Black and Hispanic, they made empty promises. But they never make good on their promises. These voters are beginning to realize how this con operates.

Liberals therefore require fresh blood because they have severed ties with a sizable chunk of their support base. Naturally, they'll lie about the diabolical plan they've developed to gain an overwhelming edge in every ensuing election in the United States.

Their plan is to fling open the proverbial front door into the country. Promote policies and set regulations for the U.S. southern border that allow virtually everyone in. It’s called “open borders.” It’s obvious what’s happening. Furthermore, it puts U.S. national security at risk.

Read the rest of the story

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