Thursday, September 22, 2022

Lake Worth Beach part of a DeFund Police Lawsuit

Lawsuit against anti-riot bill’s ‘defund the police’ provision advances

If Lake Worth wants to proceed, they must appeal the ruling

The hell with state law. If you are a city ruled by Democrats, they want to do their own thing. Home Rule, they say.

A Tallahassee circuit judge is letting a lawsuit against the “defund the police” provision in Florida’s anti-riot law move forward. Judge J. Lee Marsh of the 2nd Judicial Circuit on Tuesday allowed five of the eight cities that sued the state to continue their challenge against a provision that creates a pathway for the state to overrule a city’s decision to reduce its law enforcement budget. The three remaining cities will have an opportunity to appeal to be added to the case.

Gainesville, Lake Worth Beach, Lauderhill, Miramar, North Miami, North Miami Beach, Tallahassee and Wilton Manors sued DeSantis, Attorney General Ashley Moody and the state Administration Commission over the law, which the Legislature passed at the Republican Governor’s behest.

Marsh dismissed the case against Moody and determined that Lake Worth, North Miami and North Miami Beach had only expressed a “generalized chilling fear” and did not face a threat of harm.


Don't waste any more of taxpayer money, Commissioners, on filing an Appeal.


Anonymous said...

What the hell is wrong with this city?

Anonymous said...

Lake Worth experienced a "chilling" fear? Of what?

Dan Volker said...

Certainly someone could start a petition to destroy the past Defund Police action by the town. My take is that a massive majority of Lake Worth residents would want Law and Order and would feel commissioners attacking this would no longer be representing the people of Lake Worth.

Lynn Anderson said...

How dare these idiots waste money like this. We don't have enough police presence as it is. I never see a cop anywhere when I drive around town. Where are they? Invisible? I see where Anna Marie Windisch Hunt got her stolen bike back...cops found it.

Anonymous said...

Nobody Votes!

Dan Volker said...

Again, our commissioners do CARE about town issues....but I do not know if they actually know that 85% of the Lake Worth residents or voters want the Defund the Police action crushed. The bigger issue beneath the surface, is the People dismissing the bad idea of Health Care workers or Social Workers being the first responders to a mental health 911 call, and having the Police left out of this....It sounded like a kinder gentler approach to many progressives, but the real world application will mean many social workers getting severely injured or killed, and at the same time a big loss in Police staffing--OUR Public in Lake Worth needs to wrap it's head around this, and speak out as to how our majority feels about the issue. If we want good government in Lake Worth, we have to help our commissioners know what the majority of us thinks about the big issues. This is one of the biggest. This is "the road to the worst part of California"...the path to a total breakdown of common sense, and of Law and Order. But "WE" need to come out and say that this is what WE think. We need to make it clear that "better tool for the job" concept of the Social workers being a mental health first responder, and the corresponding drop in Police force budgeting, is a NON-STARTER of an idea for the people that direct the government of Lake Worth as to the big choices it will make. We have very thoughtful and caring commissioners...if they see a huge expression of our feelings on this issue, I have no doubt they will do exactly what we are hopiuing for.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, if they found Anna Maria's bike, they must be around. You frequently say you never see any police in Lake Worth. I see the Sheriff everywhere I go. Publix, Common Grounds, riding around the city streets, east and west of Dixie and Federal. I don't know what you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

It's an absurd idea and could only appeal to someone out of touch with reality.

Social Workers are usually not experts in self-defense, so when enough of them are injured, the policy will be abandoned.

It looks like the town will have to learn the hard way. So far, it's okay in the daytime, but don't go out after dusk.

Anonymous said...

Especially on the other side of Dixie highway at dark anything past City Hall white people don't stand a chance at dark

Anonymous said...

Well it's not what's wrong with the city it starts at the city manager and works its way down the commissioners can't even decide on one little thing they like wasting our taxpayers dollars I'm surprised they haven't bought any new cars yet for the city to use