Saturday, September 24, 2022

Biden is "full of it!"

Hot Mic Catches South Korean Leader Cussing About Joe Biden

"Biden spoke to the UN General Assembly on Wednesday and decided it’d be a great idea to promise billions of dollars in funding to The Global Fund, which was first seeded by Bill Gates and is a “financial partnership” that deals with AIDS and other diseases, The president spoke at a conference hosted by the organization following his speech before the UN and notably got lost and confused attempting to exit the stage.

The US has enough to deal with without dumping more money into bloated, over-administrated NGOs that have essentially zero accountability. Inflation is at 8.3 percent, the stock market is crashing, interest rates are up, and the economy is in a recession. Never mind that the US national debt is at $30.9 trillion.

Biden's pledge wasn't lost on South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol. He was caught on a hot mic using some choice language questioning Biden’s pledge."
“How could Biden not lose damn face if these f—ers do not pass it in Congress?” Yoon asked his aides on a hot mic
Earlier this year, the United States committed to contribute US$6 billion over the next three years, a 30% increase over the last Replenishment, in line with the Global Fund.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

What is an NGO?

Lynn Anderson said...

@1:01...NGO stands for non-governmental organization.

Anonymous said...

Lots of corruption with NGOs today the said the NSF gave millions to whuhan to create covid, our government is responsible for killing millions, so sad, pray for these evil slaves of Satan!