Saturday, March 19, 2022

Vicious Vaccine Supporter found dead

Florida Congressional Candidate Found Dead

An angry former congressional candidate in Florida has died after being downright vicious toward “anti-vaxxers”. Richard Rowe, a truck driver who ran for Congress in Florida and lost, “passed away unexpectedly,” his family reported, not long after he received his injections from Pfizer-BioNTech.

Mr. Richard “Ricky” Rowe, who was only 41-years-old, was already (before the COVID hoax began), for lack of a better term, an unpleasant personality based on his Facebook and Twitter archives, according to the COVID BLOG. The injections exacerbated his anger and hatred, providing more evidence that these shots can change people’s personalities and psychological states of mind.

Since his death, his Facebook account has been scrubbed, but things can still be found on the Internet. Richard Rowe who was known as a loud “progressive” also self-identified as an LGBTQ. Rowe loved to post hatred all over his Facebook page. The 41-year-old was well-known for cursing, wishing death upon his political opponents, and mocking “anti-vaxxers.”

His hatred and vitriol towards non-vaccinated people date back to early 2021.

Read the rest of the story


Anonymous said...

He died 10/28/21, Lynn.

OLD news.

Lynn Anderson said...

Yes, that was in the article anonymous. BUT HE DIED, nevertheless. That was the point of the story.

Anonymous said...

There was a guy I know who died in June of 2021 in Boynton that was kinda weird. Maybe it was the vaccine, maybe not. If I can find his name, I'll post it here since it looks like you're interested in that kind of stuff. He was one of those libs who thought he knew everything about everything and had it coming to him.

Anonymous said...

All you have to do is look at the research and CDC covers a lot of that up now even looking at the vaers data millions of people now have had side effects to the vaccine and over 20,000 deaths have been contributed to the vaccines a lot of people are sick and have a lot of health problems after getting it even many other psychological issues with them as well. Naomi wolfe was on Tucker Carlson the other night speaking about how bad the vaccine is and the doses that they use for young children even the older children they're giving them almost an adult size dose and it's causing a lot of health problems a lot of young boys and people and athletes during their workouts and sports are dropping dead because of having the vaccine it's causing a lot of myocarditis and a lot of health issues people really need to think about this vaccine it's just a way to control people it doesn't even work and it's not even effective with the original strand of or any strand of the coronavirus anymore it's the coronavirus is a big skin scam demic anyway it is just a cold it might linger for a few weeks or months it was the way it was originally treated using remdesivir and all these other drugs that actually killed people not the coronavirus Anthony fauci Dr fraudci he's the one that also handled the AIDS crisis back in the 80s 90s and used AZT and killed a lot of gay people and use bad initial treatments for them you can actually control AIDS or the coronavirus naturally through natural healing and herbs and good health and eating and vitamins and not using all these drugs use homeopathy instead the whole thing is a scam it was all scam to control people and then to try to win the election and do a lot of fraudulent mail and balance and Dropbox valets it's all a scam demic it's all propagation of fear for people controlling people and you cannot trust any leader today in any country or the UN or NATO or any of these so-called bodies that the who that care about human beings because none of them do if they're all in bed with the American medalist medical association or with any NIH or any of them they're all slaves to the devil and they're all in bed with big Pharma it's all very sad and it's a big sin but they're all slaves to the devil the greed the power the money the selfishness it's all the work liberal damn crazy generation that just wants control of everyone else so sad pray for them all! Dr fraudci is just another slave of satan!