Friday, March 18, 2022

Craig Frost Speaks Out on Facebook

March 16

"For the record:
Anyone who knows me and for those learning about me, you may have recognized, I’m not one to broadcast personal matters. I’m doing so now to squelch the continuous untruths being spread about me by my opponent and his team.

Reinaldo Diaz, has accused me repeatedly in postal print and on social media, of  ‘refusing to speak with or be interviewed by two newspapers.’

I never refused to be interviewed in any way. Reinaldo and I have known each other amicably for years. In fact, November 2021 (just 4 months ago), I gave him a small boat w/engine he liked and wanted. I gave it to him for free for his work with Waterkeepers.

In January, I was having medical issues and it was determined I needed surgery.

February, I underwent the surgery, (for tumors) on the dates the interview emails were sent.

My family and I were really not thinking of anything else at the time and I was in recovery. So yes, I missed the interview emails while in the hospital.

Neither paper (Sun Sentinel and the Palm Beach Post) tried calling me or left messages. They both had my number and had called me in the past for interviews.

The papers went to press before I was able to respond in kind. At the time of the Parrot Cove debate, I ended up with an infection and was back in the hospital. All candidates, including Mr. Diaz, agreed that my campaign manager would speak at that debate.

The most disrespectful thing to me about all of this is: Reinaldo Diaz knew full well that ‘I did not refuse a thing’. He knew I was in the hospital. He knew where I was throughout; I told him personally, as it happened.

I have not promoted or condoned any negativity against my opponent. I am clearing this up so hopefully this nonsense will stop. I wish he and his team would stop pushing this kind of untruth as he and I had originally agreed."


Anonymous said...

Craig, when are you going to respond to the PBPost Article by reporter Jorge Milian who said he spoke to you on the explosive charges of a felony arrest and a misdemeanor charge on your record before he printed the article. You said that you didn't remember a thing. How does one forget?

Anonymous said...

thank you craig.things like that looks like a whole lot of people knew about this and LIED to us .i know who did this to me and they are out of my book

Anonymous said...

Craig, when are you going to say something substantive?

Anonymous said...

Hi Craig, don't like what you want to do at our beach. Who gave you that lousy advice?

Anonymous said...

There isn't anything you could do now to make me trust you, Craig. I didn't have a good feeling about you to begin with, but thanks to the efforts of a real investigative journalist, I am getting a chance to vote against you.

Please stay out of Lake Worth Politics.

Anonymous said...

Craig Frost really screwed himself on this one! Diaz in a landslide.

Anonymous said...

You missed the questionnaires too? They were sent out 30 days in advance.

Anonymous said...

Craig,take the time you need to recover. Now is not your time to be a Commissioner. You were just not a strong enough candidate. If you can't stand up to the Bastards at that rag the Post, then you just don't have enough balls for the job. Your stance on a public/private partnership at OUR beach killed my vote for you.

Lynn Anderson said...

After much thought, I can't forget the night Lindy White spoke Craig Frost's truth at the Beach Club. Craig Frost wants a public/private partnership at our beach property. The pool is an amenity. No one has ever said that our pool or our beach has to make money other than a few uninformed. It seems that there is a group/zealots and even some elected officials who believe(s)that anything that doesn't make money should be sold or farmed out in a public/private partnership. Our cemetery?

Build a new pool and do it now. NO public/private partnership.

And on top of it all, never heard from Craig Frost during this campaign...not one mailing. He did not come out to our community or knock on one door. And there was no way no reach him.

Living here all your life is well and good but should not be your top qualification to be a city commissioner.

The City should NOT be run like a business but run efficiently and I think this is what Frost meant when he said that. The ultimate goal of any business is to make money over and above expenses. The objective of a government is to meet expenses through taxes, not make $$.