Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Ketanji Brown Jackson gives excuses for representing GITMO terrorists

KBJ All Of Sudden Goes Silent After Her Words Come Back To Bite Her, Doesn’t ‘Remember That Accusation’

For someone who had so much to say, KBJ suddenly went silent after her own words came back to haunt her when she claimed that detaining those at GITMO made our government a war criminal.

Senator Lindsey Graham told KBJ that she went “too far” after she claimed members of the United States Government were “war criminals” for detaining enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay.

KBJ played dumb and said she doesn’t “remember that accusation” and was just writing a complaint for the client she was assigned to by the federal public defenders office.


Lynn Anderson said...

And now, Republican Sen Susan Collins stated she will vote to confirm her.

Anonymous said...

when are these dem going to start remembering what they say or do.guess they feel the president does it so why not them